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Big “Buts” Sabotage Weight Loss, Health and Fitness (Part 3 of 12)

“Yeah, But I Will Be Cured”

“Why bother changing the way I eat?” you may ask yourself. “If I do get some horrible disease, someone or something will cure me, and I will go about my merry way.”

After all, you may think, we do live in the richest, most sophisticated, most medically-savvy country in the world with the best doctors, the best research, and the best facilities. Even if there isn’t a cure now, there must be a cure right around the bend.

In the 1970s, President Nixon proclaimed the war on cancer, and cancer would be conquered by the year of our country’s bicentennial, 1976. Here it is almost 30 years later and, with only rare exceptions, cancer is anything but cured. If you have any doubts, just open your eyes and watch people getting picked off one by one by cancer.
Look at breast cancer. In the 1960s, 1 in 20 women died of breast cancer; now the statistic is about 1 in 8. Prostate cancer has comparable increase in numbers.

Approximately 1 million Americans die every year of heart disease, usually undetected for years. Diabetes type 2, a disease directly related to a lifetime of poor food choices, weight, and lack of exercise, is skyrocketing right along side of obesity; obesity not just in adults but in our children.

Usually, by the time you know that a disease or condition is threatening your health and very life, there is no magical cure, and there will never be a cure; only so-called “management.” If you are very lucky, a complete shift in eating and lifestyle could rebuild your body and health and reverse some diseases and conditions.

Your best health and life insurance is not in a pie-in-the-sky cure, but in prevention.

Leslie Van Romer - EzineArticles Expert Author

Dr. Leslie Van Romer is a health motivational speaker, writer, and lifestyle coach. Visit http://www.DrLeslieVanRomer.com for more inspiration.

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