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Benefits of Carotene (Beta Carotene) as a Dietary Supplement

The beta-carotene is in fact famous for the help it gives to human’s body.
One of the most known claims for beta-carotene is that it prevents cancer
and heart disease and can boost our immune system.

Beta Carotene is plentiful in vegetables and fruits. The 600 carotenoids are
important for our health and is found in yellow, red, and deep green
vegetables and fruits.

Studies shows however that taking supplements for a long duration may in
fact cause harm, such as the damage to our liver or increased risk of cancer
which can determined only by long, large, well-designed studies.

Large amount of Beta Carotene however can turn your skin slightly yellow or
orange-, which is in fact harmless.

Beta-carotene is an antioxidant. Antioxidants help deactivate free radicals,
unstable molecules that are by products of cells “burning” oxygen for
energy. Free radicals can in fact damage the basic structure of cells and
therefore leading to chronic diseases, such as cancer and heart diseases. In
addition, it can accelerate the aging process.

However, smokers should not take this the pill of beta-carotene because
studies show that smokers have an increase of the risk of lung cancer when
they take beta-carotene pills. According to studies, taking Beta Carotene
even not on high dose actually has a higher rate of developing lung cancer
and higher mortality rate than those taking a placebo. However, the risk is
only for smokers who smoked more than a pack per day and who drank more than
the average amount of alcohol.

Therefore, the moral lesson here is:

• Do not think that any supplements “can’t hurt, might help” or that
antioxidants are always beneficial. There is a delicate balance of
antioxidants and free radicals in our body. Smoking was a complicating
factor with beta carotene but who knows what factor such as sun exposure,
alcohol, medication, intense exercise might make supplement X< Y and Z

• Don’t Smoke

• Don’t take Beta Carotene Pills if you smoke or if you are a former smoker,
or if you are a heavy drinker.

• Eat a lot of fruits and vitamins- Even if you do not smoke, it is much
better to obtain beta-carotene from foods not from the pills. There are no
any evidence that beta carotene in foods can cause any danger

Beta Carotene is one of the orange dyes that are found in most green leaves
and in carrots. Beta Carotene is a member of family of molecules called
carotenoides. Beta Carotene is made up of eight isoprene units, which are
cyclised at each end.

Beta Carotene is the pigment that gives carrots, sweet potatoes and other
yellow vegetables their yellow coloring. Beta Carotene is also used as a
colorant in margarine because the absence of it would only make margarine

Almost all beta-carotene in supplements are synthetic consisting of only one
molecule that is called all Trans beta-carotene. Natural beta-carotene found
in foods is made up of two molecules – all Tran’s beta-carotene and

Beta Carotene s the most potent precursor to vitamin A, but its conversion
to vitamin A in the body is limited by a feedback system.

Beta-carotene has two roles in our body. It can indeed be converted into
vitamin A if the body needs more of the vitamin. In addition, beta-carotene
acts as antioxidants, which protect cells from damage caused by harmful free

The richest sources of beta carotene are yellow, orange, and green leafy
fruits and vegetables such as carrots, spinach, lettuce, tomatoes, sweet
potatoes, broccoli, cantaloupe, and winter squash to name a few. The more
intense the green, yellow or orange color is, the more beta-carotene it

Cooking makes it easier for beta-carotene to be fully too absorbed by the
body does not destroy beta Carotene.

Research shows that diets that are low in beta-carotene and carotenoids can
increase the body vulnerability to damage from free radicals. As a result,
long-term diets with low in beta-carotene may increase tissue damage from
free radical activity and increase risk of chronic disease and cancer. Low
in beta-carotene may also lead to the reduction of the effectiveness of the
immune system.


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