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What Strategies Can You Use To Make Your Fat Loss Program Successful?

To be quite honest, these strategies that will make your fat loss program successful are similar to the same strategies used by successful men and women all over the world. It doesn’t matter what their industry is, the method is still the same.

First, to make anything successful, you must have an end goal in mind. However, most people don’t have this. Why? I have no idea. But I will tell you this, if you don’t have an end point in mind, you’ll have much harder time getting on the right track.

Secondly, no one successful ever undertakes a project without have a detailed, goal-oriented plan to back them up.

Let’s take Operation Iraqi Freedom for example – Do you think the countries of Afghanistan and Iraq would have made the political progress they’ve made without having a detailed plan in place to insure success?

Now, I don’t mean just any plan – I mean a plan that is thought out time and time again to ensure success. Coach Bear Bryant was known for having such plans in place. His strategy was to make sure his team was going to win in spite of any situation. For example, he had a plan for:

1. He had a plan for when his team was up 28-7 with 1:00 left to go in the 4th quarter – and…

2. He had a plan in place for when his team was down 21-0 in the fourth quarter with no timeouts left, his start quarterback injured, his star running back suffering from a broken leg, his trainer was out sick with pneumonia, there was no Gatorade left in the cooler due to a national Gatorate rationing and his team was freezing cold from the -12 degree weather they were playing and it was raining…

See the difference? Most people plan for when things are 100% right. But as we know – things will never be 100% right so you must plan for it.

Be ready for your workouts when you just got a an extra $500 a month raise at work and your child is on the Honor roll, and be ready to hit the gym for when you were 3 hours late to work and you have to leave work early because your child or loved one is sick with the flu and you get a flat on the way home in the middle of rush hour. Having a strategy in place to help you achieve your fitness goals is a powerful key in your fitness success.

Not only does it take planning, but it takes having the guts to follow through with your plan. The plan is no good unless you follow it so making a plan and not doing it is just as bad as not making the plan itself! Hold yourself accountable and do what needs to be done.

Learn to do what you have to do in spite of the day. That means discipline yourself to eat right, discipline yourself to make your plan, discipline yourself to workout even if you’ve had a bad day, discipline yourself to get enough rest so your muscles can recover and rebuild.

Here’s something you might not be aware of – unwanted body fat is afraid of discipline. In fact, they’re mortal enemies. If you’re able to stay conscious of what you put into your body on a daily basis, you’ll be far ahead of the game.

If you can hold yourself to a standard that makes you accountable for what you put into your body, you have the power to determine just how much fat goes into your body. By doing this, you also decide how much fat your body is able to retain.

Discipline yourself to do what you need to do and watch the fat disappear. Follow through with your plan, hold yourself to a higher standard, and discipline yourself to hold yourself accountable for your actions.

Online home fitness specialist and fitness author and author Lee Smith specializes in helping people get in shape in the comfort of their own homes. For more incredible tips and tactics like these and a free subscription to his “Successful Fitness Strategies” newsletter, visit http://www.howtoachieveyourfitnessgoals.com.

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