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Lose Weight Without Dieting

When wanting to lose some weight we topically decide to stop eating as much in the hopes that our body will shed some of it’s unwanted fat. Unfortunately we tend to lose water and muscle instead. In reality eating less by dieting sometimes makes it more difficult to lose weight.

We are all unique, some of us can eat just about anything and never really gain weight where as some seem to not eat at all and continue to gain continuously. If fact researchers compare overweight and thin people, they found that they eat roughly the same number of calories. What tends to make the difference is that over-weight people usually eat more fatty foods instead of complex carbohydrates.

Let’s look at why eating less does not always work. Thousands of years ago society was not capable of producing large amounts of food to feed the masses. You were basically on your own to hunt and find what food was naturally available. So when food was abundant our bodies turned what we did eat into fat to be stored for that next time we were not able to find food, Our bodies have not yet evolved to account for all of the food that is available to us today. It continues to store fat for those lean times that never happen. So when you stop eating your body reacts as if you were not able to find food and turns what little you eat into reserves.

So what can be done to slow or stop the weight gain? The simple answer is exercise and eat a little less than your recommended daily caloric intake. Long lasting weight loss is not going to happen overnight. You must change your lifestyle which includes skipping most of the fatty foods and committing to at least 20-30 minutes a day of some kind of aerobic exercising.

There is a lot of information available about which foods are best to eat and which exercises are best as well and I encourage you to seek out this information to better refine your weight loss program. Exercising regulates your metabolism and creates muscle that will actually cause your body to burn calories while resting.

So in conclusion, I would like to recap what was mentioned earlier. To lose weight and keep it off avoid starving yourself with low calorie diets. Instead cut out high fat foods and spend 20-30 minutes daily exercising. Also it is always a good idea to consult with a professional before you change your lifestyle to ensure that you are not going to injure yourself. Good luck.

Dennis Watson - EzineArticles Expert Author

Dennis Watson – Just helping others succeed.

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