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Has Your Diet Stopped Working?

You started the latest diet and saw great results during the first month. Then your weight loss began to slow down. Now, you seem to be stuck! It’s not surprising that you feel frustrated, tired, and hungry. Your diet may be missing a crucial ingredient, exercise.

If your latest weight loss strategy was to cut calories, your body has noticed and made adjustments to compensate for the calorie shortage. You are now in the midst of the “starvation response”. Your metabolism has slowed. Your body is indiscriminately burning fat and muscle for energy to make up for the calorie deficit.

Since you were trying to lose weight by forcing your body to metabolize itself, you may think this is just fine. Not so, your goal should be to burn fat, not muscle. If you diet without a regular exercise program, as much as 50% of your weight loss could be from lean muscle mass. Lean muscle is a metabolic powerhouse. It will burn calories even while you sleep! When you combine exercise and a properly balanced diet, you will gain muscle and lose fat.

Creating a calorie deficit is the only way to lose weight. Fortunately there are two ways to create this shortage of calories. You can reduce your caloric intake by eating less, or you can increase your calorie consumption by exercising more. The ideal approach is a moderate calorie reduction at mealtime and an increase in calorie expenditure by following a regular exercise routine.

Aerobic exercise and weight training will increase your metabolic rate, so you begin to lose weight. Creating the calorie deficit you need through increased exercise will not trigger the “starvation response”. Exercise, especially weight training, tells your body to keep your lean muscle and not burn it for energy.

Weight loss is not the only benefit of a consistent exercise routine. Regular exercise strengthens your heart and reduces the risk of heart attack or stroke. You’ll notice increased joint flexibility. The brain is stimulated by exercise and creates endorphins which promote a feeling of well being.

Always remember that overall health and fitness is your goal. Losing excess fat is certainly an important aspect of this goal. Building more muscle will help speed fat loss. By combining proper nutrition and a regular exercise program you will not only lose the fat, you will be able to maintain your desired weight over time.

Do you dream of a lean, well toned body? Pam Jenkins has found the top diet to make your dream come true.

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