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The Missing Link In Weight Loss

Lets face it, dieting rarely works. Any diet that restricts or limits the amount of food that you eat in a specific way will likely be abandoned at some time with inevitable weight gain. The goal of keeping the weight off is one that must be approached with specific planning and a plan that is tasty and convenient to continue as a habit.

Just like bad habits, one can develop good habits and the missing link in effective weight loss is the integration of soluble fiber into your diet.

Why is soluble fiber essential for weight loss? The primary answer to this question lies in the ability of soluble fiber in enough quantity to provide a sensation of fullness once it enters the digestive tract.

Soluble fiber will expand and form a gel in the digestive tract that will slow digestion prolonging the sensation of fullness and at the same time slowing the digestion. So, you get a more complete and sustained absorption of glucose and other nutrients.

This slow absorption of glucose can even out your blood sugar and reduce the cycle of cravings, mood alteration, and fatigue that can come with eating high sugar products or high glycemic foods.

The problem with soluble fiber in our western culture is that it is not found in large amounts in low calorie foods. The common sources of dietary fiber in western culture are oat bran, oatmeal, beans, peas, rice bran, barley, citrus fruits, strawberries and apple pectin. The problem is that eating these in large quantities will of course lead to weight gain as these are high carbohydrate foods.

Asian culture on the other hand has another alternative. The shirataki noodle used for 2000 years has virtually no calories and no carbohydrates but provides an amazing source of high soluble fiber that can be used as a noodle / pasta replacement only limited by your imagination.

By replacing your lunch everyday with one bag of shirataki noodles you will reduce your total caloric intake dramatically and increase your soluble fiber intake by a whopping 9 grams. In addition, you will feel full and full of energy unlike your coworkers who overeat at lunch and fall into a post lunch daze.

The goal here is to create a tasty alternative all the while increasing fiber intake and lowering calorie intake. In future articles I will explain more in detail about how to integrate shirataki noodles into your diet but until then remember that a healthy noodle / pasta alternative does exist that actually can be the cornerstone of your new weight loss plan.

Jonathan Carp, M.D. is author of a popular free email newsletter on dieting, nutrition, and healthy living. He believes that knowledge of the health practices of other cultures not only enhances our understanding of nutrition but also provides an incredible way to add variety and excitement to our diets. His newsletter features your health questions as well as the latest news in healthy living. You can sign up for free at http://www.miraclenoodle.com

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