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Is Fasting A Good Weight Loss Idea?

Fasting has deep roots in human history. Fasting was common in ancient times especially during the equinoxes. It was thought to increase fertility. American Indians used fasting as a way to repent and to ward off major disasters.

The roots of fasting in religion cannot be ignored. Jesus Christ spent 40 days in the desert on a long fast. Early Christians, like the Indians, fasted as a form of penance and with the hope that God would smile on their efforts. Today’s Christians debate whether fasting is even recommended. Of course, there are some who think circumcision is mandatory so keep an open mind.

It can be a good idea to implement some fasting into your weight loss program but I would recommend a slow and easy approach to fasting. During my life I have intentionally taken days off to fast and I learned that the hunger pains DO disappear after a couple of days. The longest period of time I spent fasting was four days.

Perhaps you have heard that the body will protect itself if it thinks food is scarce. That is true, but people who worry about this are doomed to failure because they want a quick fix for their obesity. I will repeat, some fasting is good for a weight loss program because you get an opportunity to detoxify your system. This leads to more efficient body functioning and better general good health.

See if you can go on a simple two day partial fast. Eat fruits and vegetables only and drink copious amounts of water. You will be cleansing your body to prepare for the longer road ahead in your weight loss program and permanent improvement. You need to train yourself to eat healthfully.

Your body is like an automobile. It needs its fluids changed on a regular basis. What is weight loss about? It is not about carbohydrates, calories and portion control It is about keeping your body cleansed, especially your colon. Fasting will begin the colon cleansing process to get rid of digestive wastes.
Drink natural juices during your fasting period. Juices help push out the waste.

During a fast, the body will notice the food is not present and find other ways to get energy. After using up the glucose the body will make ketones. You will see a reduction of hunger during the third day of your fast. But I won’t kid you. The first couple of days are very difficult to get through.

My mother once attended a fasting retreat with a good friend of hers. She spent a full two weeks fasting and doing mild walking exercises. She lost about 10 pounds but she had put the weight back on within two weeks. If you have the kind of money it takes to go on one of these fasting vacations, you might enjoy the time off. But bring a friend because you will probably need a shoulder to cry on during your stay and after you get home!

There are two primary types of fasting:

1. The Water Fast – that’s it. You get water, as much as you want. Simple. It is easy to see how this will help with your weight loss program.
2. The Juice Fast – juice is allowed but nothing else. You can maintain a fast longer drinking good juices because you will ingest beneficial nutrients. Many people will blend their own veggies into a juice. Combine new vegetables into your juice for a fun experiment. Do this after your fast as well.

Overall, I recommend fasting one day a week for optimal benefits. The main purpose of fasting is really to cleanse the system. Think of weight loss as a nice side benefit.

No matter how long your fast, you will feel the benefits and your mind will keep you weight loss program on track.

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