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Healthy Eating on the Go

No one needs to tell you that we live in a hectic and chaotic world. Between work deadlines, kids to drive around, friends to catch up with, exercise to do and loved ones to see, it’s no surprise that eating well often takes a back seat in our lives. This is especially true when much of the food around us is creeping more and more towards being “FAST!”

Unfortunately, it appears across the board that the more convenient a food, the less nutritious it becomes. Chemicalized, artificial and preservative-laden foods linger at every turn, at every supermarket and every corner deli. When we are confronted with little time to eat, we turn to whatever we believe to be the simplest choice, often forgoing our healthy eating intentions. But with a little planning, even eating on the go can be healthy!

Here are a few suggestions to get you on your way:

1) Plan ahead – If you know you tend to get hungry in the afternoon at work or know you will be unable to pick up a healthy snack for an extended period of time, plan accordingly and bring along a few healthy snacks; nuts, fresh or dried fruit, or easily tote-able vegetables with hummus or another nutritious dip. This way, if hunger strikes, you have healthy nibbles to rely on rather than running to the vending machine! If you find that you must eat a whole meal on the go, plan it out before you leave home and make it simple. For example, a pre-cooked chicken and apple sausage link with lettuce and tomato in a whole-wheat tortilla wrap makes a quick (and neat!) meal on the go.

2) Be inventive – Don’t be afraid to try new snacks that might seem like odd combinations, or foods that you would not typically think of as a snack. For example, before you leave home, put tuna in a to-go cup and bring along baby carrots and a few pieces of lettuce. Lettuce is great because it acts like bread – you can wrap just about anything in it! Scoop out the tuna with your baby carrots onto the lettuce, drop in a few carrots, wrap, and voila! You have a protein wrap to go in no time.

3) Create a list – Make a list of possible quick meals or snacks which you can turn to. Then make sure you have those ingredients on hand at home. Don’t rely on your ability to think on your feet when it comes to hunger. When we are hungry, anything will do, and anything is not always best!

4) Be conscious – Even if you find yourself eating on the go try to be conscious not only of what, but also how you are eating. The environment, as well as our own mood, has a huge impact on how we digest our food. Take the time to enjoy your food and it will nourish you more than you could possibly imagine. Even if it is only 5 minutes, your body deserves every second of attention. Think of all it does for you!

Chris Kelly is a NASM Certified Fitness Trainer, nutritionist, and editor of the Spotter,a new health webzine focusing on healthy city living. Check out http://www.thespotter.net for live support from experts and members, and articles for diet, fitness, and weightloss (And yes, it is all free).

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