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Healthy Dieting is the “In Thing”

Dieting is effective only if you change your unhealthy long-term habits. It does not mean abruptly avoiding the intake of your favorite foods. Eat comfortably till you satisfy your hunger. Use less of oils and refined sugar in the foods. Do not punish yourself by starving. Following are the tips to be followed while dieting:

1) Go out for shopping when you are not hungry. Prepare a list of purchases beforehand and strictly buy according to the items that are noted down.

2) When you are strongly tempted to eat junk foods such as french fries or burgers, sip a glass of water. In this way you can resist temptation.

3) Avoid the frequent use of motorbikes or cars and go walking instead. It will rapidly burn your calories.

4) Schedule an exercise program altleast thrice a week and keep a track of your weight.

5) Minimize the intake of chocolates and alcohols that contain a lot of calories.

6) Use vitamin B complex for efficient metabolism.

7) Follow an exercise program as per the guidelines set by the NHS.

8) Observe the fat content in the food and see that the fat does not exceed 4gms of calories.

The following tips will surely assist you while dieting and help you in leading a healthy life.

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