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The Secrets Behind Losing Weight Effectively and Safely!

Fitness and nutrition go hand in hand. You can’t go out and expect to work out or “get fit” if you are not providing your body with the proper nutrition; you won’t get the results that you want. You will wonder why you still look the same or weigh the same even though you are swimming, biking, or jogging an hour everyday. (Well, I think it is safe to say you won’t get through an hour of any of these exercises if you aren’t getting at least some of the essential nutrients your body needs.)

Fitness is your ability to perform a physical activity. Everyone has limits to their fitness, like being on a certain “fitness level”. Fitness is easy once you get the health part down. You can train fitness and once you feel good, you can improve your body and make it as fit as you want it to be. Fitness levels range from people who get winded upon rising to people who can run a marathon in 2 hours and 15 minutes ( and that is a woman’s time!).

Health is how balanced all of your systems are. The nervous, muscular, skeletal, circulatory, digestive, lymphatic, and hormonal are your body’s systems. Mental and emotional well-being are a part of this also (Just nutrition alone can help do wonders for all of these systems.)

If you are healthy and fit your performance as a human increases. Human performances like creating and maintaining relationships with other people, increasing productivity and creativity are just some examples of human performance. You may be thinking of “winning a gold medal” as an example of human performance and while that is an example of course, even more important is the example of having the energy to spend time with your family or friends. Human performance to you should mean being happy and alive and feeling good enough to do the things you want to do everyday. This should be important to everyone! This is the most essential part of a good life!

A wonderful way to exercise whether you are advanced or just starting out is in water. In sports water therapy is often used in training rooms, where athletes are using it to rehabilitate an injury. Unless you are a swimmer, everyone should use water training as a supplement to their fitness routine. I use it to supplement my running. It gives my body a day off, but a day when I am still working on my cardiorespiratory system. The water creates resistance that I work against, without injuring or straining muscles. I find that even when I am sore from other training, by taking a water day, I am speeding up my recovery process from a typical training day (running and lifting weights). In one session of water training, I am stretching, improving balance and muscle tone!

Even if you aren’t advanced, pool training can be so beneficial. If you are overweight, even the slightest bit, jogging or walking can injure you. You will get “shin splints” or knee pain, or something else. Starting out running to lose weight is not a very wise choice. Swimming and water workouts are one of your best bets to lose some weight without injuring you.

By running in deep water and using upper and lower body movements, you can burn 400-500 calories in about an hour. Walking in chest deep water requires the body to do more work than if you were walking on land; therefore, you are burning more calories and getting a better workout just by walking in water with no stress to your joints!

Running in water can be done with a jog belt or without one, as long as you try to maintain your regular running form the best you can. You could even run in the chest deep water. I like running because there is no stress involved; however, it may take you sometime to get accustomed to it if you haven’t been working out regularly. That is why it is important to take your time and get comfortable to the feel of the water. Make sure you are at a pool with someone watching you in case you push yourself too hard!

There are also aerobic classes that are available at most recreation pools. These are good to use as a pre-cursor to water running. Don’t forget swimming. Swimming is another excellent way of losing weight. When I was overweight, I swam for about an hour a day before I could start running again. At first I had to take breaks, but the more I swam the more my body adapted to swimming and I became quite good after a while. Of course, I started to enjoy it once I was able to do it well.

Remember you don’t have to go to the gym to get fit. Being outside and just walking can sometimes be all that you need. So remember to keep it fun and interesting!

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