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Here’s Where to Start When Trying to Lose Weight!

I often hear from many people that they just don’t know where to begin when trying to lose weight. Often they just don’t feel like they have the energy to start at all! Well that is all understandable because when you feel bad you don’t want to start anything or do anything for that matter. This is one example everyone can use!

So, today I went and got a much needed haircut. I was talking to my stylist and he was telling me how he feels so bad in the afternoon and how he can’t sleep at night because he walks when he gets off of work and gets his ‘second wind’ late in the evening. He also told me that he often skips breakfast or just eats a Pop Tart or granola bar and often craves sugar or breads throughout the day. I asked him if he wanted to hear me tell him the truth about what he is doing wrong. If his situation sounds familiar to you, listen up. This is what I told him:

The first thing he is doing wrong is skipping breakfast or eating Pop Tarts or granola bars in the morning. I used to be a Pop Tart sinner also (I fancied the Smores ones). Anyway, he can’t survive the day on that kind of food. It is primarily the reason for his cravings throughout the day. No matter how ‘unhungry’ he is in the morning, he has to make sure he is eating something with substance. He has to drop the granola bar and Pop Tart and make some quick eggs, or eat some kind of cheese or meat. I told him the opposite of what most people think they have to do to lose weight or get more energized. Eating rich foods such as eggs, cheese, or meat will give you much needed substance and curbs the appetite.

The second thing for him is to break up his big lunch. He told me he eats a huge lunch and often skips dinner or eats something light. Eating a big lunch makes him sleepy and lethargic. If he takes the amount of food he eats during lunch and disperses it into snacks and snacks all day he can keep his metabolism working and provide himself with a constant energy source. Snacking is NOT a bad thing. It can be a bad thing if he snacks on junk. Keep it whole and natural! The less refined and unprocessed the food, the better.

The third thing is that he can’t sleep at night because of his walk in the afternoon. This walk is his exercise and wakes him up and gets his blood flowing, preventing him from sleeping. He told me that he doesn’t eat much for dinner. I told him to make sure he eats a regular meal after walking. He can eat a light dinner, but he has to eat some kind of dinner. We aren’t talking about late night grazing, but in the evening a dinner is important because it will be 8 hours more or less until he eats again. I also suggested that he split his walk up and walk a little in the morning and in the evening. This will also increase his metabolism. So instead of just working out once, he should try to get accustomed to doing a little more in the morning, so his body isn’t so overwhelmed in the evening, when it is time to be winding down.

Remember we are all trying to make our bodies efficient. This means exercising,/being active, and providing our bodies with proper fuel.

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