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Obesity Exercise the Right Way — Forget What Your Personal Trainer Told You

Fitness experts love to jam round pegs into square holes. For example, many love to jog and run as part of their own fitness regimen. Anytime a groupthink mentality exists a concurrent echo chamber also exists wherein other fitness experts and personal trainers reaffirm to one another that, in this instance, having untrained clients jog, is A-Okay. Jogging is an accepted industry standard.

This is a classical case of confusing exercise mode, jogging, with the exercise goal, the systematic raising of the trainee’s heart rate.

Let’s talk exercise goal: why do we have overweight people engage in cardiovascular exercise? To become adept at jogging?

No, jogging is a tool not a goal; the goal is to systematically elevate the heart rate in order to raise the metabolism and burn off additional calories. Digging a little deeper one could add that conscientious cardio improves endurance and additional endurance allows the out-of-shape individual to engage in progressively longer and more frequent sessions.

So far so good; no one really debates that fact that cardio exercise is a good thing for an obese individual to practice on a systematic basis.

Where the idiocy takes root is when personal trainers mindlessly insist the out-of-shape jog or run. I have a simple question: why? What, specifically and scientifically is the rationale behind jogging?

If the goal of cardio is elevate the heart rate (which it is) how high a heart rate is appropriate? Most personal trainers, being mindless followers possessing a herd mentality, couldn’t identify an appropriate heart rate for a particular individual.

High impact aerobics is inappropriate for overweight out-of-shape people. They say a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing. An out-of-shape person can easily generate a heart rate of 80% of age-related heart rate maximum simply by walking quickly. Is that not enough? What heart rate does jogging inflict on the out of shape person? 90% of ARHR maximum? 100%? 110%?

Does anyone see the danger here? Forcing the cardio-challenged body of an obese person to suddenly work at 100% of capacity is asking for trouble. Lunacy is compounded on a show like “The Biggest Loser” when moronic PT’s make obese folks run up the side of a mountain or make 400-pound men (who likely break into a sickly sweat walking up three flights of stairs) run while carrying the trainer on their back!

Is this not the very definition of ignorance compounded with sadism? What type of heart rate do you suppose the poor person carrying the prison guard PT was generating while subjected to that level of stress?

We haven’t even considered how high impact aerobic activities like jogging increase the chance of injury to tender body parts. Why are we self-inflicting trauma to cartilage, tendons and ligaments? Imagine the stress on delicate body parts when we go from zero physical activity to pounding the legs and hips, every jog-step resulting in hundreds of pounds of excess bodyweight crashing down on body parts unused to anything more traumatic than walking to the car or around the office. It boggles the mind.

How should cardio be administered to obese individuals? Systematically, scientifically and gradually, in an acclimatizing fashion wherein the individual is slowly subjected to ever-greater stress levels using low-impact exercise modes. Over time we can add additional sessions, increase the session duration and jack up the exercise intensity.

Coming soon! “The Obesity Solution” is designed to help overweight men and women physically transform themselves into healthier, thinner, more fit individuals. Designed by Marty Gallagher, a world champion coach and former washingtonpost.com fitness columnist, he will take you by the hand to help you achieve permanent fat loss.

For more information, visit http://www.purposefullyprimitive.com/announce.html and get a FREE special report on how to stick to a diet the easy way!

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