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What Can Be Done About An Over Weight Child

Children that are over weight, are in most cases victims of there parents love. Parents are all the time giving there children the wrong thing to eat. Not because they don’t care. It’s mainly because they display there love for there child in the wrong way.

The most common trait with almost all over weight children is there parents, and there financial back ground. Growing up in a financially stable environment is a good thing. But it also has its draw backs.

The dilemma is that if both parents work all the time. They fell guilty about the lack of time they spend with there child. So to make up for that guilt they often give there child what ever they want as far as eating is concerned. This is where the child starts to develop the eating habits. That’s what creates this predicament of being over weight, and it’s this kind of love that causes damage not only to the child but to the parents as well.

Another type of a bad display of love for your child is just giving them what they want. You do this to your child because they are your child and you love them. So you just want to give them every thing they want chocolate, cookies, candy bars, ice cream. What ever they want they get. This will also cause the child to have an over weight problem.

Then you have the parents who are always on the run. They don’t have the time to see that the child gets the rite national foods. The child is always eating things like pizza or
Mac Donald’s. A fast food diet is a fat food diet for your child.

These are only some of the symptoms of over weight children. I’m sure you know a few others. No matter what the reason is. Or how the child got that way you should do what ever is necessary to make it rite. Over weight children suffer tremendously at the hands of there peers. Not to mention that resent studies have shown that over weight children are more susceptible to diabetes later in life.

If you truly love your child you should help them now. By changing your child’s eating habits. You can change your Childs life. There are a lot of foods that can take the place of the foods your child is eating that is healthier and tastes good to. Give your child the love your child deserves.

Robert Emler: My heart goes out to these children who have this problem. When I see an over weight child I feel sad because I know this child doesn’t have to be this way. What bothers me even more is that I can’t do anything about it.

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