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Considering Surgery After Dieting

Dieting to some is like AA to alcoholic. The formation of Weight Watchers was formed on this very concept where weekly meetings are held holding its members accountable while providing a support group throughout the process.

Unfortunately for some after reaching their ideal weight the problem arises of having loose skin and relaxed muscled in their abdomen area. With today’s modern medicine a procedure known as the Tummy Tuck can reduce the amount of excessive skin and fat left in the abdomen area.

The ideal patient for Tummy Tuck Surgery is a non-smoker and who is close to their ideal weight.

Many patients develop a sense of well being and improved self esteem after having Tummy Tuck Surgery performed. Simultaneous tightening of the abdominal muscles resulting in a tighter, flatter abdomen after Tummy Tuck surgery has been performed is another benefit that affects many patients.

Two well know procedures for the Tummy Tuck surgery are the Tummy Tuck and the Mini Tummy Tuck the difference being the lengths of the incision and the amount of the skin removed.

Traditional Tummy Tuck Surgery
Traditional Tummy Tuck surgery the skin is pulled downwards enough where it is necessary to reposition the belly button to keep it centrally located. Dramatic improvements in the abdominal are achieved while leaving a circular scar around the belly button. This procedure is recommended for most patients.

Mini Tummy Tuck
A Mini Tummy Tuck is designed to improve the area below the belly button removing subtle skin and excess fat. Unattractive scars from previous surgery such as a C-section can also be removed. Tightening of the muscles in smaller amounts below the belly button can be achieved however only a small percentage of patients qualify for this surgery and Traditional Tummy Tuck surgery is mostly performed.

As with all surgeries there are certain risks and complications. In order to remove large amounts of skin and fat, long incisions are necessary. Possibilities of bleeding, infection slow healing wounds, skin necrosis or widening of scars. Patience may experience numbness of the lower abdomen which may not improve over time due to nerve damage caused by removal of excessive fat and skin.

Dennis M. Driscoll
Resides in Northern Michigan and is a contributing author and creator of several webites.

Websites Created By Dennis Driscoll
Tummy Tuck Resources and News
Nursing Resources For the Student And Working Nurse

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