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Carbohydrates – These Are Heart Healthy and Great for Weight Loss

You just can’t beat fiber for its heart health, weight loss, and energy producing qualities.

Dr. Glenn A. Gaesser, professor of exercise physiology at the University of Virginia and author of Big Fat Lies says, “I consider fiber almost the “food of the Gods; it’s that important to our good health.” Especially heart health. Fiber will lower cholesterol and make you feel full with fewer calories.

Fiber is a special form of carbohydrate. It slows down digestion, which in turn slows the movement of carbs (in the form of glucose) into your blood stream thus stabilizing blood sugar. For this and other reasons, including fending off hunger pangs, fiber plays a leading role in the two leading low carb diets…Dr. Atkins and the South Beach Diet.

Fiber binds up the fat we eat and carries it out of your body before it can attach to your thighs, belly or other unwanted locations. The best sources of fiber are vegetables, whole grains, beans, legumes and nuts. Beans should be a staple in your diet. Try to include them at least four or five times per week. You can cook up a batch in the crock-pot and freeze the leftovers in plastic containers.

Starting your day with a high fiber cereal will keep your energy level high all morning. My personal favorite is old-fashioned oatmeal, which takes less than 2 minutes cooking in the microwave. Stir in a tablespoon or two of cold pressed flax oil or virgin coconut oil, mix in a few frozen or fresh berries and sprinkle on some Splenda and a small amount of half and half. It’s a great way to start the day and it’s umm good!

If you combine dietary fiber with fat you can further reduce the speed at which food leaves your stomach and thus the rate at which glucose enters your bloodstream. For example if you are going to eat an apple have a slice of cheese with it.

Fiber works in concert with fat, prolonging the elevation of the hormone during digestion, which keeps you satisfied longer.


The cardiologist looked up from the treadmill report and grimly stated, “You are a walking time bomb. You need to go to the hospital immediately.” Two days later a heart surgeon sawed open Gene Millen’s chest and stitched in bypasses to six clogged arteries.

“A six way heart bypass isn’t a record” said Gene, “but it’s not bad for a skinny 59 year old with normal cholesterol and blood pressure. The villains and heroes in the heart attack melodrama may surprise you as they have me.”

Gene Millen reviews new research on heart attack risks that are more dangerous than high cholesterol… and how natural supplements and heart vitamins can send them packing! Check out The Heart Health website at http://www.heart-health-for-life.com

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