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Atkins Cholesterol Diet

Robert Atkins that died of an accident last year at the age of 72 came to the development of this diet in 60s. As he wrote in his book he has never had will-power enough to overcome hunger. And hunger is a companion of every standard and propagandized diet. And as a real scientist after creation his own diet he tried it on himself. It worked! As he was a cardiologist and had his own clinic he began to offer his diet to those sick people which came to him for help. They asked to rescue them from obesity. During 30 years of his practice the diet rescued from obesity and changed the life more than 60 millions people. His book “Revolution in nutrition” was sold out millions circulations and was translated into many languages. His clinic in Manhattan receives thousands of patients daily that suffer from obesity…

Nevertheless Doctor Atkins is the most damned doctor among dietarians. So why did he get his anathema?

The cause is all he says contradicts standard dietology. How wonderful and logical was everything before hi came! If you have obesity you should eat fewer fats, if you have heightened cholesterol you should forget about eggs, if you have high blood pressure you shouldn’t eat salt. It is clear and natural as the sun rises in the east and sits in the west. But we know now that it is the earth that turns round the sun and not on the contrary. Everything is simple and logical. The only thing is bad… It doesn’t work. Doesn’t work? It is nonsense, trifle.

Pharmacological companies are always glad to help you with hundred or two tablets. The only but is that they don’t treat but remove symptoms so you couldn’t stop eating them or everything will come back. And all this well worked system, all this big business, all modern dietarian recommendations which are almost as religion are supposed to be wasted?! As Atkins offers absolutely different approach. It is completely opposite. He tells you to eat more meat, eggs, don’t be afraid of fats as they will even useful if you eat them WITHOUT CARBOHYDRATES.

When we heard about Atkins’ diet for the first time from our friend we rejected it resolutely as nonsense. How can it be to lose weight while eating fats and meat? This is the direct path to scaffold. With such diet one couldn’t avoid vessel atherosclerosis, heart attack and insult.

Nevertheless we read the article in “New England Journal of Medicine” (people of medical profession know that it is a very prestigious magazine) where was said about tremendous comparative researches of Atkins’ diet and standard diet which is recommended by modern science of nutrition. And we decided to read a book by Atkins and we have never regretted that. It’s a perfect book! And Atkins by himself is a very good DOCTOR. Doctor that doesn’t resemble those who hasten to give a prescription on something for headache or cholesterol lowering tablets. He is convinced that the majority of cardiovascular diseases and many other diseases of 20th century is the result of wrong and not balanced nutrition.

Atkins is not only declaring this clear truth but also make a very interesting basis under all his observations. His long-term experience showed that the main whip of our century is over consuming of carbohydrates. Besides inborn defects doctors distinguished stenocardia and perhaps rheumatism. And nowadays the death of cardiovascular diseases is on the first place. If to make a diagram of consuming carbohydrates (also sugar and its derivatives, flour and all products made of it, fruit juices and so on) we’ll see prompt hyperbolic rise; especially after World War II. And if to compare this curved line with death from cardiovascular diseases curved it will appear that they are almost parallel.

But the main thing that amazes many researchers and readers and accordingly drives to frenzy modern “dieticians” is that Atkins for the first time in dietetics gave in the hands of people who are losing their weight a measuring device. It’s a simple and available for everyone device that allow people to observe what way metabolism changes. He taught people how to switch on a physiological process of burning their own fats with the help of physiological ketosis. We don’t have any doubts that some time pass and Atkins’ contribution to our understanding of the questions “Why do we put on weight” and “How should we lose our weight” will be not only valued highly by slow and conservative medical society but also all food and pharmacological industries will have to reconstruct on production low-carbohydrates products. And these products should be reach with protein, uncarbonated and fish fats. Those businessmen who will invest this way as the first certainly will conquer milliard market.

What differ Atkins’ diet from other diets? At first it’s not only diet when you can fast lose superfluous kilos, but it’s a program that is based on science ground. And it is full of detailed recommendations how to control your metabolism so you won’t put on kilos that you’ve lost. Atkins propagandizes healthy diet rich with proteins and fats which are necessary for normal metabolism. Íe also insists on eating lots of fish fats which we thought only children should eat (omega fats) and multivitamins with adding selenium and other minerals. They confirmed in many researches their preventive anticarcinogenic properties.

The certain positive side of this program is complete dismissal of any junk food such as coca-cola, chips, pizzas, McDonalds, snickers and so on. Physical exercises take special place in this program. As Atkins write that the only excuse to stop physical exercises he accept the age after 100. But even in this case he thinks one should make an appointment with him so he could make special physical exercises complex for such people. As Atkins was practiced cardiologist his program is invoked to stop a series of diseases. It is hypertension at first, and also diabetes of second type, vessels atherosclerosis, candida. Doctor Atkins died of an accident. He slipped in winter 2002 in New-York. His body dissecting showed that his vessels were clear in spite of his rather solid age.

So what is Atkins’ diet consisting of? You can’t reject carbohydrates completely. By the way Atkins doesn’t call for this. He just says that one should reduce them to minimum. To be exact one should reduce it to such individual level when there is no favorable situation for creating so unloved with us fat in fatty tissue.

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