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Looking to Lose Weight?

What are you doing to shed the extra pounds? Wouldn’t it be wonderful to take a magic pill and let the fat melt away? The thing is, ephedra has been used to help people lose weight for years, but the weight doesn’t come off JUST by taking the pill! You have to work hard at losing your love handles, one pound at a time. You could follow in other people’s footsteps and take ephedra to help you along the way. It has helped millions of people in the battle of the bulge. The fact remains, if you don’t get moving and clean up your diet, chances are you are going to be disappointed with the results when you finish that bottle of ephedra. If you are looking to take ephedra for weight loss, you also need to make a lifestyle change. Read on for some great suggestions and tips on how to effectively lose the weight, and keep it off. It’s not a diet, it’s a lifestyle change. Ephedra can help!

On average, one pound of fat burns 2 calories per day. One pound of muscle burns on average of 50 calories a day. This means that if you add some resistance training to your workouts you could burn ALOT more calories thereby increasing your weight loss while not having to deprive yourself of valuable nutrients. Increasing muscle mass is key in the battle of the bulge.

There is so much confusion on how to eat right, exercise, and lose weight. First of all, you need to be sure you are eating the right foods, often enough, and in the right portion sizes. It is a good idea to find out how many calories you should be consuming in a day based on your body size, current activity level, diet and fitness goals, and also your gender.

It is a good idea to divide meals into 5 or six smaller meals a day instead of the outdated three square meals a day. This allows the body to maintain a balanced blood sugar level throughout the day which will decrease cravings, making it easier to control your eating when you do sit down to your next mini meal.

Consuming high quality foods will give you the energy you need to get through the day, maintain an exercise schedule and build muscle while you lose fat. Eating the wrong foods will not allow you to build muscle and lose fat which is what you want to do. Remember, one gram of protein or carbohydrates is equal to 4 calories. One gram of fat translates to 9 calories! Fat should not be eliminated entirely, but you must consume the “healthy” fats such as olive oil, or the omega 3 and 6 fatty acids found in fish such as salmon.

You also want to ensure you are consuming adequate proteins to allow for muscle building. You don’t want to be losing muscle along with fat while you are dieting. Eating this way does NOT mean you have to give up the foods you love. Moderation is the key. Recipe makeovers work GREAT as well!

To begin building muscle, a training schedule of three weight workouts per week should begin. It is advised to consult your physician before beginning any exercise program. It is also a great idea to find a personal trainer who can give you a few lessons on what muscle groups should be targeted, how often and in what order. A trainer will also be able to offer invaluable insight into exercising using proper form to ward against injuries.

If you are looking to only lose a few pounds, this kind of training and eating schedule should bring fast results. If you need to lose a little more weight, then a cardio session or two each week on top of the three weight training workouts per week would be a speedy way to increase the rate of weight loss. Remember, ephedra can help, but YOU have to make the change! Start today!

Joe Rodriguez owns a website EphedraTalk which provides valuable free information for anyone interested in information relating to ephedra, for example Ephedra Diet Pill Product – Smacker with Hoodia Review. Check out Smacker Ephedra now.

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