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Weight Loss: Supersize Me

Yes – I finally got around to watching the documentary that
came out about a year or so ago. Even though it’s a
documentary, this film is far from boring.

This film is not only educational and eye-opening, but

If you rent it (I got it from the library), be sure to watch all
the bonus features as well, to learn what happens to
McDonald’s(tm) french fries after 2 months!

It’s no secret that America is now the fattest nation in the
world. You have read the statistics . . . obesity has doubled
since 1980.

*Direct* medical costs have doubled in 5 years. Projections
now predict that 1 out of 2 people will develop diabetes in
their lifetime. 20% of children are showing abnormalities in
liver function, etc, etc, etc.

The surgeon general has said that left unabated, obesity
will soon overtake smoking as the leading preventable
cause of death.

Fast foods are often blamed for these statistics. After all, 1
in 4 Americans visits McDonald’s(tm) every day.

McDonald’s calls those who eat their food at least once a
week “heavy users”.

Car manufacturers have had to increase the size of their
cup holders to accommodate super size drinks.

This is the story of a man who ate nothing but McDonald’s
food for 30 days. Doctors predicted that all that would
occur would be an increase in triglyceride levels.

In fact, in a 30-day period, his weight, cholesterol and body
fat all skyrocketed. His liver function started to fail. His risk
of heart disease doubled. He felt exhausted and

And it took him 14 MONTHS to lose the weight completely.

The average person at 4 pm has no idea what they are
going to have for dinner. I can relate to that – too many
demands, too little time. We don’t even have time to think
about ourselves, much less plan something.

But if this paradigm is going to shift, it is up to us.

Watch the movie. You will be inspired. Then think about
what changes you can make in your life, and in the lives of
your loved ones.

Together, we can make a difference.

With love,

Carol Solomon, Ph.D. is a psychologist and personal coach who specializes in helping people who want to lose weight and eliminate food and weight issues.

By going from food obsessive to charge neutral (i.e. Did I eat today?), she became dedicated to making it easy for others to step off the vicious cycle and live free of anxiety about food and weight.

She is the author of “Lose Weight Now Stay Slim Forever,” a practical “how-to” manual for learning to lose weight without dieting.

Sign up for her free email newsletter, Slim Forever at: http://www.lose-weight-now-stay-slim-forever.com

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