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Sustainable Weight Loss Through Conscious Consumption

We’re really kidding ourselves about what, why and how much we are
eating and drinking. And it’s killing us. When we practice conscious
consumption we inevitably eat less and enjoy more. Conscious
consumption means being aware and responsible for every single thing
we eat and drink. We no longer shovel food in and cry out in pain later.
We eat to live and we live in good health.

The following 10 tips are designed to bring consciousness to your
consumption with the intent of managing your weight, well-being and
your health.

1. Just eat.

When you eat do nothing else. Eat only while seated at a table and
avoid eating while driving, reading, working or watching television. Be
fully present when you eat. Enjoy.

2. Make some sense.

Use your senses to prepare and consume food that appeals to your
senses and “hear” the messages that come back to you. Let
appearance, smell, taste, touch or texture, feeling full or hungry or how
different foods make you feel be part of your conscious eating

3. Take your time.

Your brain can’t process your meal as fast as you can eat it. Practice
chewing thoroughly, resting between mouthfuls. By eating slowly you
will notice the satisfied feeling in your belly before it’s too late. You will
start leaving food on your plate because you feel satisfied.

4. Get real.

Eat “real” food that is fresh and needs some preparation as often as
possible. You know exactly what you’re eating because you’ve
prepared it. Avoid fast food, junk food, processed food that is addictive,
fattening and void of value.

5. Tell the truth.

Do you really know when, why, what, where and how you are eating
and drinking? Honest assessment leads to awareness and
understanding. Awareness plus action equals results.

6. Eat when you’re hungry.

Avoid eating out of habit or to console, reward, protect or punish yourself
or for any other emotional reasons. Identify your needs and get them
met in healthy ways. If you’re lonely, find companionship. If you’re
bored, find something to do. Comfort food can kill you. If you’re hungry,
eat. Know yourself and know the difference between real hunger and
other feelings.

7. Get involved.

Replace the urge to eat with healthy distractions. Develop new habits.
Get up, get involved and get new interests that don’t involve food.

8. Manage your environment.

Set yourself up for success by limiting the temptations all around you.
Don’t buy food you will have to work hard to resist later. Move away from
the buffet table. Avoid the traffic areas where fast food restaurants
cluster. Stay away from the staff room where donuts and other poor food
choices reign. Hang out with people with healthy habits. You’re in

9. Know what you need.

In order to make intelligent, nutritious choices arm yourself with the
knowledge of your daily food requirements and how to meet those
requirements. It’s easier than you think.

10. Everything in moderation.

Don’t deny yourself your favorite food. But remember – you don’t need a
truckload of it either. When you accept that there is room for all foods in
your diet there is no need to binge on them. Choose consciously.

Copyright 2005 Claudette Pelletier-Hannah. All rights reserved.

Claudette Pelletier-Hannah is a trained coach, specializing in weight
and wellness. Her balanced, holistic approach leads to successful and
sustainable weight loss.

Contact Claudette for a complimentary session or to subscribe to her
free ezine, “A Coach’s Perspective on Weight and Wellness.”
Tel: (780) 481-0313, Email: [email protected]

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