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Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle

I always thought weight loss was only possible by eating a very
strict diet, intense exercise in the gym, or a combination of
the two. While both are necessary to an extent, there was
something I recently stumbled across in an ebook called “Burn
the Fat, Feed the Muscle”, by Tom Venuto, which took me
completely by surprise: you can actually eat more and still lose
weight! The catch is that you have to do it right…

Most Americans are accustomed to eating 3 meals a day, but it is
much better to eat 5 or 6 meals a day if you want to lose
weight! The catch is that they need to be smaller meals than you
might be accustomed to. Take the typical foot long Subway
Sandwich, for example. Instead of eating the whole thing in one
setting at lunch or dinner, you would be much better off eating
the first half for lunch, and saving the second half for dinner.
This will help your body metabolize the food more efficiently.

It is, of course, necessary to try and eat as healthy as
possible, but the key is to divide your three “big” meals into
five to six smaller meals. Tom Venuto recommends that if you are
a man, you should eat 6 meals a day, and if you are a woman, you
should 5 meals a day. Ideally, you should try and space these
apart in three hour increments, but if this does not work for
you, two hours between meals should suffice.

While this is a great starting point to help you on your way to
a better body, there are many other strategies you need to be
familiar with to lose weight, and Tom covers them all in Burn
the Fat, Feed the Muscle, which is backed by a 60 day money back
guarantee. Below is a link to his ebook:

Click Here To Visit The Burn The Fat Website!

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