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Shaping Up Five Problem Areas

Everyone has a particular problem area that frustrates. For some
people, it may be the hips, for others it’s saggy arms. For
millions it’s the dreaded jelly belly! The truth is that you
cannot spot-tone specific areas but there are moves you can do
in conjunction with regular cardio exercise that will help make
your problem spot disappear! Here are five of the most common
complaints and ideas for shaping them up!

Droopy Buttocks

The saggy butt is one of the top complaints of both men and
women, but it’s also one of the easiest muscles to tone and
shape! The buttocks are controlled by the gluteal muscles, which
are among the largest muscles of the body and provide support
for sitting, standing and squatting. Because these muscles are
so large and are used every day, they respond very quickly to

Exercises: Squats are the number one move to shape up the butt.
Begin by standing with your feet about shoulder-width apart and
your hands by your sides. You may want to place a chair behind
you for support. Gradually sit back until your buttocks almost
touch the chair and then straighten up. Do three sets of 20
squats daily.

“Batwings” or Saggy Arms

The bane of older women everywhere (and many younger women,
too!) is the saggy muscle that runs along the back of the upper
arm opposite the bicep muscle. This is known as the tricep and
can be challenging to tone, but it can be done.

Exercises: Begin by holding a 3-5-lb. weight in your right
hand. Raise the weight straight above your head and then slowly
lower the weight back and down until your elbow forms a right
angle, then raise it back up. Do three sets of 20 repetitions


Many people tend to store fat along the hips and outer thighs,
charmingly known as “saddlebags.” Getting rid of saddlebags can
be difficult but the best results come from a combination of
consistent cardio exercise and isometric movements that help
tone the muscle.

Exercises: Begin by standing straight with one hand on a chair
for support. Lift your right leg a few inches off the ground and
then raise your leg out to the side and lower it. Repeat this
movement for three sets of 25 repetitions daily.

Jelly Belly

Having a saggy stomach is common and it’s important to realize
that crunches alone will not banish the jiggle. The fat that
lies over the muscle is what creates the saggy, loose
appearance. Muscle-building moves should be paired with
cardiovascular exercise for the best results and be prepared to
invest time and effort. Shaping and defining the stomach can
take months, but it’s worth every minute.

Exercises: Begin by lying facedown on a yoga mat. Place your
hands on the mat near your shoulders, take a deep breath, and
then push your body up until the hands and feet support it. Hold
this position for 20 seconds. Lower yourself down to the floor,
rest for a few seconds, and then repeat. Do three sets of 10
repetitions daily. This is known as the “plank” poses in yoga
and is wonderful for toning the abdominal muscles.

Chubby Back or “Bra Overhang”

Excess fat in the back area can make it look like you’re hiding
several lumpy bundles back there, but with a little persistence
you can tone it up and make your back an object of envy. This
should be paired with a consistent cardiovascular exercise for
the best results.

Exercise: Hold a 3-5-lb. weight in your right hand. Step
forward about twelve inches with your left foot. Use your left
hand for support as you lean forward and let your right arm hang
straight with the weight. Keep your spine straight. Begin
lifting the weight slowly, as though you were starting a
lawnmower, until the elbow is at a right angle and then lower.
Repeat for three sets of 20 repetitions.

Everyone has problem areas but when you couple the appropriate
exercise with a regular aerobic regimen, you are on the way to
controlling them. A few months down the road, you won’t even
remember what you looked like before!

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