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Guideline to a Lasting Weight Loss

Eat before you do the shopping, and write a list of what you need. Shopping for food on an empty belly can often be to much for the temptation.

Eat a lot of vegetables and fruit! This is an important source of vitamins if you’re on a diet or not. If you want your family to eat salads, then you have to make them taste good because most adults, teens, and children just don’t care for the taste of healthy lettuce, greens, and uncooked vegetables.

Drink a lot of Water. Have a big glass of water before every meal. This will remove some of your hunger before eating.

Use your body as much as possible. Take the stairs instead of the elevator whenever it is possible. Walk or use a your bike instead of driving. Get your self some healthy hobbies. This alone will do a lot for you.

Think before you eat. This triggers your brain to use common sense in the long run. Check how many calories the food has before you put it in the shopping cart.

These are just a few guidelines that are ment to be easy to remember in your everyday life. I’ll be back with more.

Jarle’s website: http://www.angelfire.com/biz7/ops_1/Weightloss.html

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