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Weight Loss Tip #5: Trim Down Your Waist to Avoid Heart Attack

A recent global study has come to some pretty alarming
conclusions about the link between your waist-to-hip ratio and
the risk of suffering from a heart attack.

How does waist-to hip ratio (WHR) work? Well, if your waist and
hips are exactly the same circumference, you have a ration of 1
to 1 (1:1).

If your waist is smaller than your hips, the ratio will go down.
For example, if your waist is only half as big around as your
hips, the it changes to 1 to 2, or 1:2.

If the opposite is true, and your waist is twice as big as your
hip area, the ratio goes up to 2 to 1, or 2:1.

Apparently, having a waist to hip ratio of 1:1 or more greatly
increases your chances of suffering from a potentially fatal
dysfunction of the heart.

A recent global study has come to some pretty alarming
conclusions about the link between your waist-to-hip ratio and
the risk of suffering from a heart attack.

How does waist-to hip ratio (WHR) work? Well, if your waist and
hips are exactly the same circumference, you have a ration of 1
to 1 (1:1).

If your waist is smaller than your hips, the ratio will go down.
For example, if your waist is only half as big around as your
hips, the it changes to 1 to 2, or 1:2.

If the opposite is true, and your waist is twice as big as your
hip area, the ratio goes up to 2 to 1, or 2:1.

Apparently, having a waist to hip ratio of 1:1 or more greatly
increases your chances of suffering from a potentially fatal
dysfunction of the heart.

Check your waist-to-hip ratio (WHR)

Being in a state of obesity makes the threat many times worse.
Currently there are more than 300 million obese people worldwide.

An obese person is generally regarded as somewhat with a body
mass index (BMI) of 30 or more.

Find out your body mass index (BMI)

What makes this issue so tricky is that some people will have a
natural advantage with their WHR based on their genetic body
type and shape.

Women with small waists and curvy hips will have the easiest
time managing this ratio, while both men and women who have
large midsections will have the most difficult time managing it.

Regardless of sex or body type, what is important for you to
know is that you must do everything you can to keep your waist
size down, down, DOWN!

In addition to heart attack, the WHR has been linked to
determining your general risk of developing chronic diseases. It
represents one of the many reasons why weight loss has so much
more to offer you than a just a sexy body (all though it does
come with that!)

The Your Best Body NOW Weight Loss Program teaches you not just
how to lose weight but how to improve your entire lifestyle to
make weight control and WAIST control simple and easy.

You only get one chance at life. Take care of it by living
healthy and fit.

To YourBestBody,

Lawrence Cole
Your Lifestyle and Fitness Coach YourBestBodyNOW.com

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