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Why Are We Overweight?

Why are we overweight? This question has been
asked many times and we all have different answers. The most
common is because we eat too much, especially junk food, and
exercise less. It is easy to say, I will lose weight and keep it
off. Reality is that when we eat more calories than we can use
for energy, our bodies store fat. The issue is whether we are
seriously committed to change our lifestyle, adopt healthier
habits and exercise more. After we gain weight, we find
difficulty losing it. There is hope. Increasing our fat burning
metabolism will help us lose weight.

Most people have tried many diets, such as quick weight loss
diets with the hope of loosing that unwanted fat, yet failed to
keep the weight off. Why? Because quick diets are not the
answer. Think for a moment, we did not gain all that weight in
one week, but gradually, right? Therefore, we can lose that
unwanted fat gradually and keep the weight off. This is why it
is so hard to lose fat and to stay slim with those quick weight
loss diets. Some of these diets are so extreme that leave you
feeling hungry, weak, and the end is that instead of promoting a
healthy eating habit to lose weight, you end up cheating and
eating until you satisfy those cravings.

Back to our original question, why are we overweight? People
are overweight for different reasons: eating too much, lack of
exercise, slow fat burning metabolism, retaining water, eating
too late, eating unconsciously while watching TV, eating the
wrong foods. We tend to eat for emotional reasons too, as we
relate food as calming our nerves. Sound familiar? Sure, we feel
fine while eating, but is this the answer to calm our nerves?
No. Definitely not. Anxiety can drive us to eat more and see
food as an ideal comfort.

How to resolve the overweight issue?

First, we recommend you take a conscious decision of examining
your eating habits and consult a physician to check your health
before starting any nutritional program and exercise plan.

Second, keep a daily record of what you eat, drink at least 8
glasses of water, have green tea to increase your metabolism,
consume lots of vegetables and fresh fruit, avoid junk food and
heavy sugary products.

Third, learn to say no when friends or family members offer you
second or third servings.

Fourth, keep a firm decision and a positive attitude to lose
that unwanted weight, visualize the new you.

Fifth, contact friends who will encourage you to lose weight
and motivate you when feeling down. There is always someone
ready to keep you motivated.

Whenever you feel eating for anxiety, think twice. Stop for a
moment and ask yourself, “am I really hungry or is just an
emotional excuse?” Instead of eating impulsively, try to drink
water or have a cup of green tea, go out for a walk, or contact
one of your friends for motivation.

Remember you are not alone; there are many people trying to
lose weight and helping each other is the most valuable tool.
Others have lost weight and kept the weight off. I did it, so
can you! Believe in yourself, you are special.

Until next time, Official!
Overweight? NO MORE!”

Suggested Weight Loss Articles by Anna, Overweight No More

How I lost 80 Pounds from 230 Pounds, SO CAN YOU…(Anna’s
story) http://www.officialoverweightnomore.com/mystory.html

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