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Organic Food: As healthy as you can get

Healthy food grown without the use of synthetic fertilizers,
pesticides, antibiotics, hormones, chemical preservatives or
genetically engineered DNA is Organic. It is more labor
intensive. Organic farming doesn’t use herbicides and other
chemicals. So the yield is much smaller and to buy, more
expensive. But organic foods are high in vitamins and minerals,
tempting a good population to include these diets in their

Benefits of Organic food •No pesticide, fungicides residues on
food •No synthetic residuals built into plants •No genetically
engineered organisms •Realistic flavors •High in vitamin •High
in minerals •Higher in anti oxidants

The ‘Organic-certified produce’ is grown, harvested, stored and
transported without the use of any synthetic chemicals or
fumigants. They are processed according to uniform standards and
USDA accredited organizations verify it.

Organic farming vs. Conventional farming •Traditional farmers
use chemical fertilizers in the soil to grow crops. Organic
farmers build soil with natural fertilizer •In traditional
farming, insecticides are used to kill the insects and diseases.
Organic farmers use insect predators and barriers •Traditional
farmers control weed growth by applying synthetic herbicides but
crop rotation, tillage, hand weeding and mulches control weeds
in Organic fields

Organic foods are not completely chemical free, but the
pesticide residues will be much lower than those found in
produce manufactured with synthetic chemicals.

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