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Lose Weight and Exercise Now – Or face the Music Later!

My responsibility as a high profile fitness expert lies not in
if you like me, or even if you buy my e books. My responsibility
lies in giving you straight talk with no sugar coating it. Some
of you will not like what I have to say, even though it is the
truth. And that may be where the problem of American’s health
problems lies. No one wants to give you the truth.

You want quick fixes to your health problem that has taken years
to develop. You get it by purchasing gimmicks that promise you
fast results. You fall for it, and at the end of the day you are
more frustrated than every. Why? Because you are denying the
root of your problems.

I have counseled thousands of people over my twenty year tender
as a personal trainer, health club consultant and best selling
author. And in all my travels, the answers to people’s problems
with weight come down to one thing: it’s a matter of choice!

My approach with people is, either you pay a price now or you
will face the music later on down the road. I am really tired of
dancing around and trying to delicately ask people to eat better
and get some form of exercise. When all the while, most I know
are in the least bit serious about their health, and have no
idea what they are in for down the road.

Don’t waste your money on products that are not long lasting and
do not teach you anything. I know you want fast results but you
will just waste your money. Let me remind you, until you deal
with your approach to weight loss the other is pie in the sky.

What if you knew that if you didn’t exercise, you would face the

What if you knew that your kids would do exactly as you do? Most
people wait until something happens to them or to someone close
to them before they change their lifestyle habits.

Our country is just starting to face the music for our actions.
Look at what we’ve done to ourselves over the last thirty years.
It’s expected that millions will have weak bones, get diabetes,
become obese, and die of heart disease in the next five or ten
years. Will you be one of these people?

There are no guarantees that healthy living will add one more
day to your life, but what if it could? At the very least, what
if your day-to-day quality of life could be better? Or worse
yet, what if tomorrow a stroke, heart attack, or cancer struck
your life? What then? The first thing to do is for you to face
the music or embrace the reality of your health. Accepting your
circumstances does not mean you are admitting defeat. It means
you are starting to build a foundation in order to move forward.

If you need to go get a check up, do it. Not knowing about your
health is worse than getting the facts. If you need to ask for
help, then do it. Two good heads working together are better
than one bad heart.

In my father’s eyes

“If only I had known this was going to happen to me?” That’s
what my father said to me last year in the hospital room after
suffering a heart attack. The man who showed no fear, never
sweat under pressure or complained about anything, laid before
me scared as a little boy who just lost his mother in a grocery
store. “If only I had known, I would have taken my blood
pressure medicine. I would have eaten less fried stuff, and I
would have walked a little more,” he whispered.

Denial, Pride and Laziness almost got the best of my father that
day, yet he lived. He was lucky. The next time he may not be.
Next time YOU may not be!

In a Nut Shell:

Life sometimes has a way of giving us slight hints or sometimes
shocking wake-up calls. The question is, “Will you answer the
call?” Would your life be any different if you knew what the
future held? Most of us would say it would be. The truth is in
that old saying, “We really are not promised tomorrow.”

You may not be able to change when you will die, but you sure
can change how you feel each day through daily exercise and
eating the right foods. What would your life be like if you felt
better, had more energy and lowered your stress levels? Can you

If you had to choose which one would motivate you more to
exercise–truth or the consequences–which one would you,
choose? Most would say it would have to be the consequences. No
one wants bad things to happen to their health. No one wants to
pay the price for his or her bad decision, right?

“Are you going to let Denial, Pride, and Laziness keep their
grip on you?” There are no guarantees that exercise and eating
will prolong death or ward off a disease. However, there is a
good chance they can give you a better quality of life? No doubt
our health as a whole will get worse before it gets better, but
it does not have to be that way for you.

The bottom line is: denying your health is a losing cause;
entertaining pride is a waste of energy; and being lazy is no
excuse for anything.

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