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Weight Loss – The Importance of Low Body Fat

When you hear a doctor or a personal trainer say, “Your body fat
is too high, or you are borderline obese, what do you think?
Does it matter to you? Does it motivate you to lose weight? Or
are the numbers on the scale more important to you?

Most people will always have a love – hate relationship with the
scale in their bathroom. However, with the dramatic increase in
diabetes and obesity cases in America the importance of keeping
your overall body fat down becomes the most important issue to
ones health.

What does it mean to be obese? This means that thirty percent or
more of your overall body weight is fat. When this occurs, your
body has already begun to shut down in many areas. Things that
are affected by high levels of body fat are; blood pressure,
cholesterol, bone density, energy levels, immune systems and on
and on. This is the direct reason for the increase in heart
disease, diabetes, and strokes in America.

What is happening behind the scenes is this; muscle burns more
calories than fat. If you have less muscle then you are going to
burn less fat in day. In addition, aging promotes a decrease in
muscle mass naturally. The goal is to slow that natural process
down. How do you do that? I call this, “Having synergy in your
workout and eating plan.”

Having synergy in your workout plan is accomplished by
incorporating all areas of fitness into your weekly activities.
The four main areas are; good eating habits, heart exercising
(cardiovascular), strength training (weights) and flexibility
training (stretching). When all four areas are working well, you
can not help but lower your body fat.

When you lower your body fat levels your; blood pressure, stress
and cholesterol levels will lower and your strength confidence
and stamina will naturally increase.

Are the numbers on the scale important? To your brain and ego
maybe, but in the greater health of things, not as much as
lowering your body fat levels.

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