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Does Alcohol Have a Place In a Healthy Diet?

A number of recent news stories have reported that drinking
alcoholic beverages has health benefits—some even imply that one
or two drinks a day is a government-endorsed route to better
health. Other stories say that alcohol abuse is related to many
of the major causes of death in America.

The 1995 Dietary Guidelines advise: If You Drink Alcoholic
Beverages, Do So In Moderation. This is virtually the same
advice that has been given since 1980. The 1995 Dietary
Guidelines added the comment that many individuals throughout
the ages have drunk alcoholic beverages in moderation to enhance
the enjoyment of meals. The Guidelines also note that there is
some recent scientific evidence that for some individuals
moderate alcohol consumption may reduce the risk of heart

However, alcohol also has undisputed drug effects, which can be
harmful under many circumstances. Some people, in particular,
should not drink at all. Alcohol carries with it the risk of
dependency and excess consumption, which can cause serious
health problems. Therefore, the Dietary Guidelines recommend
only that those who do drink alcoholic beverages do so in
moderation. They do not recommend that those who do not consume
alcohol begin drinking.

So…What’s the Bottom Line?

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans present information on the
pros and cons of alcohol consumption. While there may be some
health benefits with moderate alcohol consumption, the Dietary
Guidelines clearly emphasize that dependency and excess can
cause serious health problems. While moderate alcohol
consumption may have some effects that reduce the risk of heart
disease, there are other ways of achieving reduction in risk.

There are many factors that reduce the risk of heart disease,
including a healthy diet, moderate exercise, avoidance of
smoking, and maintenance of a healthy weight. These behavior
changes carry less potential for negative consequences. As one
person put it, ‘‘people don’t get addicted to fruits and
vegetables and don’t get into accidents after eating too many
apples.” Thus, the correct interpretation of the Dietary
Guideline on alcohol is, if you don’t drink, this guideline is
not a reason to start; however, if you drink alcoholic
beverages, do so in moderation, with meals, and when consumption
does not put you or others at risk.

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