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Three Ways Music Can Help You To Lose Weight

Music is the key to the soul. It can lift you up and put a smile
on your face or alternatively it can bring you down and reduce
you to tears. Music is powerful and fortunately you can use it
to help with your weight loss.

The interesting thing about music is that the same track or song
can induce different emotions in different people. If you met
the love of your life during a particular song, then you
probably enjoy it and feel happy when you hear it played on the
radio. Another person may have been cruelly dumped by their
boyfriend during that same song, played at the same time
somewhere else in the world, chances are this song brings back
all that pain and hurt the breakup caused.

Have you ever played upbeat music loudly when working out or
been to a nightclub and found yourself dancing all night because
the music was so good? Music not only generates positive
emotions but it can also help to motivate you. Music can bring
out the best in all of us, it makes you feel good and encourages
us to move or dance. So how can music help you to lose weight?

Here are my top three tips to use music with your diet.

1. Choose your favourite music album and as soon as you wake up
in the morning put it on. Listen to it as you have breakfast and
get ready for your day. It will put a spring in your step and
help you to be positive, you will feel capable of anything and
that feel-good feeling will carry you through the day. Being
positive and happy makes you much more motivated and you will
find sticking to your diet easy.

2. Put music in your car. Listening to the radio can help to
relax you after a hard days work. If you get home stressed out
and grumpy, you are much more likely to go to the cupboard and
overeat. Play music in the car, as loud as you like and have a
good sing. Putting all your frustrated energy into singing will
help you feel relaxed and give your mood a much needed boost.
You will get home refreshed and energetic rather than exhausted
and feeling down.

3. If in the evening you are bored watching television you will
find yourself going to the cupboard to snack on foods. This is a
really bad time for all dieters. Turn off the television and put
some music on, do your household chores, have a dance with your
children, play games or invite friends over for coffee. Not only
are you not overeating but you are also spending quality time
with your family or friends.

I cannot tell you which is the best song to listen to or even
which album motivates people the most. The choice is yours. It
will be different for everyone and will probably depend on many
factors, age, taste in music, life events, lifestyle, etc. What
I can say is have a good look through your music collection and
choose several albums, this way you won’t get bored too easily
and will enjoy the music. Try listening to songs you used to
love when you were younger, it brings back happy memories and
encourages you to lose those extra pounds

Think about buying a personal walkman or an MP3 player, both are
small are portable ways to listen to music when you out and
about. It might even motivate you into going for a long walk.Get
some fresh air into your lungs and enjoy it. Don’t look at it as
exercise, it is simply getting out of the house to stretch your

Good luck with your slimming.

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