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Lose Weight Cycling

Lose weight cycling is a fun and enjoyable way to improve your
health and to make you feel better. Pedaling down a rural road
or through a city park rouses your spirit and awakens your

A regular routine to lose weight cycling can reduce the risk of
serious conditions such as heart disease, high blood pressure
and obesity.

One of the most powerful arguments for encouraging more people
to cycle is that it leads to considerable improvements in public

Cycling is also a good way to improve your balance and
co-ordination. It enhances your general well-being and promotes
mental health. Beyond the health benefits, it’s an enjoyable way
to get around.

Getting on your cycling bike regularly can also be an effective
form of aerobic exercise. Cycling can have positive effects on
how we feel too.

Moderate exercise has been found to reduce levels of stress and
depression, improve mood and raise self esteem. It has also been
found, in some instances, to relieve symptoms of PMS.

Benefits in strength and agility can come from regular cycling
also. There are no real-age barriers to cycling and people at
almost any fitness level can begin slowly and gently if

Physically active older people can reduce the rate of hip
fractures with regular cycling exercise. Most of the negative
things we associate with aging aren’t a result of chronological
aging but rather a lack of physical activity.

A recent study found that even a small amount of cycling for
weight loss can lead to a significant fitness gain. Aerobic
fitness was boosted by 11 percent after just 6 weeks of cycling
short distances four times a week.

Cycling is as gently on your body as a sport can be. It is a
non weight bearing exercise so it’s easy on your joints, even
the achy ones. It can be a wonderful way to get exercise and
lose weight without pain.

They say once you learn to ride a bike you never forget and
that is true. The motion and balance come back to you very
quickly. If you’re looking to get outside more often and improve
your fitness, biking is the answer.

If your looking to lose weight cycling, jump on your bike and
leave your worries and stress at home. Enjoy your ride. Just
think you could be at work instead.

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