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Put your Kitchen on a Diet

Picture this: a beautiful clean and tidy kitchen.

Every surface is uncluttered, every appliance gleaming. You open
the fridge. It’s full of delicious fresh vegetables and salad
ingredients. The freezer has a selection of homemade soups and
casseroles ready to defrost at a moments notice when you’re too
busy to cook from scratch. And you’ll find a variety of frozen
vegetables and sliced wholemeal bread in there.

Your cupboards are neatly stocked with nutritious foods -
wholegrain rice, wholemeal pasta, healthy cereals, pulses and
condiments plus a few tins of chopped tomatoes, and packets of
seeds and nuts and an olive oil spray.

There are fresh herbs growing in little pots on the windowsill,
ready to add flavour to your meals; some basil for your tomato
salad and parsley to chop and enhance your soups and vegetables.

All the equipment and recipes you need are at hand ready to whip
up a nutritious home-cooked meal for you and your family, just
as you planned when you did the weekly shop.

Now switch to another kitchen.

This one has a fridge full of butter, full fat cheese and
yogurt. There’s a wilted lettuce, some shrivelled mushrooms and
a few squashy tomatoes that no one wants to eat. Oh, and then
there’s the chocolate spread, and gloopy mayonnaise lurking

How about the cupboards? Oops! They are full of white rice and
pasta, cookies, candy and potato chips. And the freezer is full
of oven fries, stuff covered in breadcrumbs and ready meals from
the store. No shortage either of burgers, ice cream and
fattening desserts.

The surfaces are covered in junk mail and crumbs from breakfast.
The sink is full of dirty dishes.

I’s too depressing to cook in a kitchen like this and anyway
you’ve no idea what’s for dinner – quick – better send out for

Which kitchen best describes yours? Do you need to put your
kitchen on a diet?

It’s time to clear out your cupboards, fridge and freezer. That
means throw it out or give it away not eat everything until it’s
gone. Give everything a good general clean too so it feels good
to be there, even if you just do 10 extra minutes a day until
it’s just how you want it to look. Then make a decision to keep
it that way. Start to plan your meals every week too and buy
those fresh ingredients you need to feed your body well. Make
your time in the kitchen a pleasure. Keep it ready for action
and it will pay dividends.

Once your kitchen has been on a diet you’ll be much more likely
to be able to follow yours. Try it and see what a difference it

Copyright 2005, Janice Elizabeth Small

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