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Is your workplace a hazard for your diet?

It can be easy to overeat at work. Your colleagues bring in
treats every day because it’s always someone’s birthday or
leaving party. There’s a culture that people eat muffins or
doughnuts every Friday or even every day. The staff restaurant
is full of fried food or mayonnaise laden salads and the nearest
place outside work serves nothing but fast food.

Here are 8 tips to immunise yourself against unwanted workplace

1. Bring your own healthy lunch and snacks

You know it makes sense. If you have something healthy and
delicious to eat you’ll be less tempted by all the other
unhealthy stuff around. It takes a bit of planning when you do
your weekly shop but you’ll reap the rewards. Choose food which
is easy to prepare and get as much as you can ready the night
before to avoid last-minute panics in the morning.

2. Say “No” nicely

You can get a lot of pressure from others to sample the snacks
they bring in so this one may take some practise but it does get
easier after a while. Just say “No thanks not just now” or “No
thanks, I’m just about to have an apple” or “No thanks I’ve just
eaten” or simply “No thanks” – no need to explain or apologise.

Saying you’re on a diet seems to make some people try and
persuade you more forcefully. (“One won’t hurt”, “Surely you
don’t need to lose any more weight you’ll fade away” etc).
Before you know it you’re giving in. If you really can’t stand
the pressure say “Thanks I’ll save it for later”, take it home
and throw it out.

3. Keep your desk clear of food

It’s asking for trouble to keep food on your desk. Put the lunch
and snacks you brought out of sight so that you have to go and
get something from the kitchen or locker room when you’re
hungry. On the other hand, if the kitchen at your place of work
tends to be loaded with treats people have left for sharing, you
may be better keeping your food at your desk. But at least keep
it out of sight in a cupboard or drawer.

4. Stop to eat

Don’t nibble food unconsciously at your desk – it’s the easiest
way to overeat. Pause in whatever you are doing whenever you
decide to eat and take time to really taste the food. If there’s
somewhere you can go away from your desk to eat then do that,
otherwise just stop working on your report or reading your
emails for 5 minutes and be fully aware of the food you are

5. Stay away from vending machines

Vending machines tend to be full of unhealthy calorie-laden
food. Having your own snacks should help you resist the
temptation to treat yourself. But, in any case, keep away from
the room with the machines and if you really can’t resist, stop
bringing any change to work – it’s the only way!

6. When you need a break

Don’t eat just because you need a break. Instead, take a quick
walk or have a glass of water or herbal tea – even coffee is
better than eating food you don’t need. If you find that there
are times you just have to nibble on something make sure you
always have plenty of healthy snacks with you. You can nibble
quite a bit on carrots sticks, cucumber and celery without doing
any damage to your waistline.

7. Team up

If you have a colleague who is also trying to lose weight, join
forces and help each other stay on track. It’s great to have
someone to go for a walk with at lunchtime or to commiserate
with when everyone else is wolfing down cakes someone has
brought in.

8. Choose wisely

You don’t have to turn down social invitations from colleagues
to be able to succeed at losing weight so go ahead and join in.
But you do have to select what you have to eat and drink
carefully when you eat out on a regular basis. Choose the
smallest portions you can and get to know the menus at the local
restaurants so that you can plan what to eat ahead of time. Even
fast food places now have healthier options but remember it’s
often the extras which are the most fattening – condiments,
dressings and sugary or milky drinks can more than double the
calories in a meal.

Copyright 2005, Janice Elizabeth Small

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