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Weight Loss – Are You A Weight Watcher ?

The decision to lose weight is not one that many people make
lightly – excuse the pun. Often, it has been flitting around in
the mind for years. It may even have been reached, acted on and
abandoned as another fad diet bit the dust. Then, a rogue
photograph appears depicting you doing your best whale
impression, or you are unexpectedly required to move quickly
(perhaps during a fire drill at work, where everyone sees you
panting), and almost expire from the effort. Shamed into action
you decide once again that another attempt to shed weight will
be worthwhile.

The good news is that you needn’t do it on your own. A huge
range of weight-loss programs exist today – from independent,
locally run clubs to the multi-national organizations- all
offering weight-loss plans to suit individual needs and budgets.

Arguably, one of the most successful of the large organizations
is WeightWatchers. Founded in a New York apartment over 40 years
ago by Jane Nedetch, the small support group for friends has
grown into the vastly successful international company that it
is today. By combining a program of healthy eating and exercise
with group support, WeightWatchers developed a ‘partnership’
approach to dieting which has since been emulated by many other
weight-loss organizations world wide.

How does WeightWatchers operate?

Membership: After locating a local meeting venue via the
internet or the local press, members can join the organization
for a fee of around $25-$30. This membership fee is often waived
during special promotion months, which are generally advertised
in the media.

A weekly fee of around $10-$15 is paid at each meeting, although
monthly and three-monthly packages can be bought in advance at a
discounted rate. Membership lapses if a member fails to attend
meetings for four weeks. Members must pay for a missed meeting
but if they have missed more than two, they need only pay for
the first week missed and for the current week. Each member is
allowed to miss two meetings in the course of the year without
having to pay.

When a member has reached an agreed ‘goal’ weight and maintained
it (within two lbs or one kilo) for six weeks, he or she becomes
a Life member and may attend future meetings free of charge,
provided the goal weight is maintained and at least one meeting
is attended each month.

Online membership is now available for those who cannot attend
meetings or who live in a rural area. A monthly online
membership costs around $44.

The Points System: The dietary part of the WeightWatchers
program works on a ‘points’ system. Every food is allocated a
point value according to its fat and sugar content. For example,
an apple may be valued at one point, while a sausage may be
valued at five. Most vegetables and salad ingredients are ‘free’
and can be eaten without penalty. Members are given a daily
point allocation of around 18-22 points, depending on their
current weight. No food is forbidden, as long as the point value
is factored into the daily point consumption. Points may be
saved for later in a week to allow members to eat out.

Various exercises are also given a point value. Bonus points
gained by being active, allow the member to save for later in
the week, or may be spent on an extra treat to the value of the
bonus on that day.

There are ceilings on the number of points which can be saved or
earned in any one week to prevent binge eating, starving and
excessive exercising.

All members receive a points-value guide to the basic foods in
Week One of the program.

The Meetings: On joining WeightWatchers, the member’s height and
current weight are recorded in the ‘passport’ document, which
holds each member’s personal details for the duration of the
program. The member retains the passport and only has to produce
it when being weighed. A general goal weight is then set in
consultation with the group leader, based on healthy weight to
height ratios. A more specific goal can be set later when the
member’s weight lies within this ratio.

The member receives the Week One support materials which
included a weekly brochure containing a tracker (for recording
food intake, exercise and points) a possible weekly menu, some
words on the topic of the week and a Quickstart DVD ( a support
DVD to be used during the first six weeks of the program).

The member then attends the weekly meeting during which the
leader delivers a talk on the week’s topic and members are
invited to share their experiences, questions and advice.

Why is WeightWatchers so popular? Many devotees of the
organization will answer this in just one word: Flexibility.

The weight-loss plan which runs for 24 weeks can be tailored to
meet a wide range of needs. The points system allows for total
flexibility of menu. No food is forbidden or compulsory and the
menus if used are written with busy lifestyles in mind.

Meetings are also flexible; with members being able to attend
meetings at other venues should they find themselves unable to
get to their usual meeting. Members are also free to choose the
level of their involvement at these meetings. While some need
the group support each week, many people opt to just ‘weigh-in’
then leave. Either is acceptable.

In addition, WeightWatchers offers a wide range of support
materials: a points value guide to specific brands of foods, a
Supermarket guide, the Eating-Out guide, a monthly
WeightWatchers’ magazine, WeightWatchers’ own food products,
cookbooks and scales.

Like any weight-loss program, the WeightWatchers system does
have some drawbacks. As it is run at a local level by leaders
who have previously lost weight on the program, and current
members who volunteer, the effectiveness of the support group is
dependent on individual personalities. If a new member has
trouble fitting in with the existing group, he or she may choose
not to return.

Some people may also argue that the points’ system approach to
weight control is a short term method and just one of many
weight-loss options, although none of these other options are
promoted to members.

Finally, for many people the weekly fee is too expensive,
especially if the member does not like to attend the meetings.
It does seem extravagant to spend $15 each week just to step on
a pair of scales.

Regardless of these criticisms, people are still flocking to
join WeightWatchers and many similar weight-loss organizations
across the globe. In today’s world, weight-loss needs to be less
about vanity and more about health and well being, with all the
benefits of looking good ‘thrown in’.

Weight Watchers offers a practical, accessible and structured
way forward to a fit, healthy lifestyle.

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