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overweight 20

Weight loss tips 1

I had been overweight my entire life. I have tried to changed my
live as well and now I’m successful. What I have been done ?
It’s began 3 years ago. I have changed my thinking on my life. I
stopped to use my favorite sentence that tomorrow I’ll do
something about my weight and I became aware that this is my
last chance to change my visage.

Here is why we gain weight and my suggestion to reverse it

When we are nervous, we eat. Don’t tense. When we celebrate
something with friends, we eat. Let’s celebrate in temperance.
When we watch TV, what do we do ? We eat and eat. Hard nut to
crack ? Once we sad, we eat When we see to smoke somebody, we
take something to eat We need to ask ourselves some questions
that may help solve a problem:

I thought about loss weight but then I didn’t. Why does this
happen? ? Mostly it’s because you really do want to eat the
sweet. Do I really need this cookie/cake/ice cream right now or
am I pacifying something that is not going right for me, right
now. What in my life would I like to change, right now? Why do I
want to change it? What will these changes bring about, either
now or in the near future It’s always easier to put weight loss
off for one more day.

People who have successfully achieved their ideal weight and
better health without dieting report the following success
strategies :

They made a commitment to changing habits long-term vs. just
losing weight They became educated about sound nutrition
principles They learned to cope with emotions and stress without
food They consciously eat when their hungry and stop when their
full They shift the focus from “looking good” to honoring their
health and well-being They learn to adjust portions or food
intake to match activity level They don’t sabotage themselves,
when they blow it They seek ongoing support as needed to stay
motivated For me when I’m busy and trying to get a lot of work
done and something stumps me or requires extra thought, my
tendency is to want to take a break and get something to chew
on. That might be true for you too. I haven’t worked directly on
the anxious feelings themselves, just the end result of wanting
to eat something. Every time I’ve tried it, I’ve ended up not
wanting what I was going to eat in the first place so personally
I’d say it is very effective. More at



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