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Weight Loss Tip : Don’t Let them Profit from You!

Food can be wonderful or plain awful. At its best, it nourishes
us, gives us energy and delights our taste buds. At its worst it
clogs up our arteries, fills our bodies with unwanted toxins and
makes us fat.

The secret of losing weight is to choose the delicious natural
healthy kind and to eat just enough of it so you feel great.

But with so much awful food on offer out there, it’s easier said
than done.

No one is paying huge sums to advertise fresh fruit and
vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds and organic lean meat.

Instead we have major food manufacturers with big budgets
pushing snacks we can do without and products loaded with
thickeners, sweeteners, salt, corn syrup, mechanically recovered
meat, preservatives and every other semi-edible chemical known
to man.

Sure, the food tastes Ok – after all it’s full of sugars (or
artificial sweeteners) and salt for that very reason. Food
manufacturers aim to bring you palatable food otherwise you
wouldn’t buy it. But it has to turn in a huge profit too so they
pile in preservatives to give it a long shelf life and use the
cheapest ingredients they can get away with, padding them out
with fillers. But is that really how you want to nourish your

If you buy cakes and cookies, snacks and processed foods without
thinking about what you are really putting into your body, you
are doing your health a huge disservice and playing right into
the hands of the food manufacturers. You are paying good money
for food which has no value to your health and questionable
ingredients which you really don’t want to feed anyone you care
about (including you!)

Now there are some good processed foods out there – but you do
have to seek them out – they are not the major profit producers
of the big advertisers. Most of the advertising money goes into
persuading us to purchase vast quantities of worthless soft
drinks, chocolate bars and salty snacks.

Read the label on any product you’re considering buying to check
that the ingredients include only those items you would use if
you were making the product at home. If there’s anything that
sounds like it belongs in a chemical laboratory leave it on the
shelf and choose something else.

And whatever you choose make sure that you accompany it with
ample fresh vegetables or salad – very few processed foods will
contain adequate amounts of these. After your meal, if you need
anything else, swap sugar and sweetener-laden profit-making
desserts and cakes for fresh fruit.

Even better than being highly selective in the processed food
you buy, get a good cook book full of healthy delicious recipes
and learn to make fantastic food for you and your family. Enjoy
the whole process of nourishing yourself and the ones you love
from fresh basic good quality ingredients. Taste the difference
and you’ll never look back.

Our health is precious. Be super critical about what you put
into your body and don’t let the food manufacturers profit from
feeding you and your family junk food.

Copyright 2006, Janice Elizabeth Small

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