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Why You Fail At Fitness

I often wonder why some people succeed in their attempts to get
the body they want… while many others fail.

What makes the difference?

After all, we’re all human. We’re all cut from the same cloth?
Do some people have more of an advantage than others?

Well, I’ve been doing this fitness thing for quite a while now
and I can assure you this, I know why some succeed while others
fail. And if you want to learn the secret to everlasting fitness
success, just keep reading.

Now, I must admit, I’m a big fan of the UFC, also known as the
Ultimate Fighting Championship.

For those of you who don’t know what the UFC is, it’s
professional mixed martial arts where men go into a ring to
basically see who the better fighter is. It’s incredibly
exciting and very strategic.

And as I was watching an interview with one of the best,
up-and-coming fighters, named Rich Franklin, something Rich said
really stuck with me. And it’s the number one reason why people
either succeed or fail… in everything they do.

Rich said that in order to be the best fighter in the UFC, he
refuses to quit. Refuses to give up.

I’m sure this never-say-die attitude runs through all that Rich
does. Fighting. Training. Weight lifting. Sparring.

By the way, the UFC fighters are some of the most well-rounded,
well conditioned athletes I’ve ever come across. So when Rich
says that his “never quit” attitude is what made him champion, I
believe it.

I want you to stop for a moment and really ask yourself if you
have this attitude. To never quit, no matter what the

If you don’t lose the weight you want, do you keep doing cardio
and eating clean, each and every day, until you do.

Or if you haven’t hit the bench press weight you want yet… do
you throw in the towel or do you keep training, striving to
reach it.

If you have a “never-quit” attitude, you’re a winner. You will
succeed in everything you set out to do.

If you quit at the first sign of trouble, I really feel sorry
for you. Life is going to be filled with more downs than ups.

But the good news is, anyone can establish a “never quit”
attitude. And you really have to believe it, not just pay lip

You have to believe, that even on the toughest days, when
everything just seems to go bad, that if you keep moving
forward, you will succeed. That if you refuse to quit, you will
get what you want.

Maybe not today, but soon.

If you don’t have what it is you want, you need to adopt this
mindset. It will do more for you than anything else imagineable.

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