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Losing Weight While Eating Foods You Love

What does losing weight mean to you? Do those two words (ie.
losing weight) make you grimace? Does the thought of losing
weight make you think of starvation and sore muscles?

Maybe those are the reasons that losing weight seems so hard and
impossible to most people. Losing weight just seems a pretty
painful process overall.

If you think this way then you need to change your mind set. It
is very possible to eat foods you love, exercise rarely and
still end up losing weight.

If losing weight is your only goal then you don’t even need to
worry about exercise. Really. But if being fit and muscular is
your goal you should definitely work exercise into the picture.

Okay, you probably think I’m insane by saying you can not
exercise and still end up losing weight. Either that or you
think I’m going to tell you to starve yourself.

Not at all! I want you to be able to eat the foods you love and
still lose weight. It CAN be done.

There are diets out there (and really, they shouldn’t even be
called diets, because when people hear the word diet they
imagine starvation) that allow you to eat plenty of great
tasting foods and still shed those unwanted extra pounds.

These diets, better known as meal plans, are becoming more and
more popular all the time. Why? Because they work!

The trouble is weeding out the ones that don’t do what they
claim and don’t work, and finding the ones that are worth your
time and effort.

The other problem is finding a plan that will work for you, with
your specific lifestyle and metabolic needs. Some meal plans for
losing weight are great for one group of people and useless to

When searching for the right meal plan that will aid you in your
weight loss attempts you should keep the following questions in

Does this meal plan include foods I love and would not be able
to do without?

Does it deprive me and leave me feeling unsatisfied?

Is it recommended for someone of my age and/or weight?

Will it work for me in the long run or will it be the same as a
yo-yo diet?

If the meal plan you are considering trying gives favorable
answers to all of these questions then you have definitely got a
winner on your hands.

With a meal plan like that you would be able to eat the foods
you love and still lose the weight you hate.

Back to exercise… Now, even though I told you the truth
earlier when I said you wouldn’t need to exercise at all if you
found the right meal plan, I highly advise that you at least
learn to work a little bit of exercise into your schedule each

Not just to help with losing weight or getting fit either.
Regular exercise will help you to stay or become healthy and
avoid a lot of costly diseases and illnesses.

Now, don’t go and forget what you’ve just learned. Instead, use
these tips to help keep yourself from getting “burned” by a meal
plan that is wrong for you.

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