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2 Keys To A Lean, Muscular Body

Information has made people rich. Information has also made
people smart. It’s helped doctors cure people and made Bill
Gates the richest man in the world.

And I can honestly say that the information you get from this
article will change your body AND your life.

How can I say that? Well, I see it all the time. I get emails,
each and every day, from clients of mine, all around the world.
Each with an amazing transformation story, accompanied by a
change in attitude, luck, or belief.

I’m a big believer that once you change your “outside” for the
better, you also change your “inside” Specifically, your
thinking. When you begin to change your thinking, you begin to
change your actions. And your actions are what creates your life.

When you start to think better thoughts, you suddenly feel
better about yourself. More confident, happier. And all this
comes from losing some fat or gaining some muscle. Amazing, huh.

But here’s the thing.

2 things will make all the difference between seeing results and
not seeing results when exercising to get a lean, muscular

Only 2 things and here they are:

1. The knowledge of WHAT TO DO.

2. Taking action and doing it.

Read those again. Simple yet powerful. They are the keys to the
universe, my friend.

Let’s start with knowledge. Knowledge is not power. It’s only
potential power. Information is useless unless it’s ACTED upon.
Taking movement, using it.

You probably see it all the time. There are people in your gym,
right now, that have been exercising for years. And they
probably haven’t changed a bit.


They’ve been misled or misinformed about what really works.
Sure, they’re doing something. Taking action.

But still not seeing the results they want.

So, unless you learn what really needs to be done in order to
lose fat, gain muscle, or increase your strength, step 2 is not
going to help you.

2. Action

Again, unless you use the knowledge you’ve gained, it’s pretty
much useless. Both of these steps work hand in hand. It’s what
you know AND do that matters.

When I’m hiring somebody for my business, I really don’t care
too much about booksmarts. I want “street smarts”, someone
that’s been taking action and doing things in life.

You can read all the fitness programs in the world, but none of
them will do a thing for you if you don’t use them.

That’s as simple as changing your body AND your life gets.
Knowing exactly what to do. And then doing it.

You can do this in any area of your life. There are books and
courses on anything you want to learn.

Investing. Building a house. Rebuilding engines. And getting in
peak physical shape.

And once you’ve learned what to do, then you just go out and do

So please, don’t just read information. Use it. Each and every
day. When you read something you want to learn about, also think
about how you’re going to apply it to your day-to-day life.

Soon, you’ll gather so much momentum, nothing will stop you from
achieving your goals.

And if one of your goals is to get a lean, muscular physique,
that happens by knowing what to do and then doing it.

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