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A Quick Way To Lose Fat

If you want a quick way to lose fat, this article will show you

Did you know that the end result of all carbohydrates broken
down by the body is glucose, also called blood sugar. So whether
it’s a spoon of sugar, a piece of bread, or some broccoli, the
body breaks each down to use at its main fuel source, blood
sugar. So there is no question that the body needs carbs to

But where should those carbs come from?

There are simple carbohydrates like fruit, syrup, and sugar and
there are complex carbohydrates like bread, pasta, potatoes, and

The difference between simple and complex carbohydrates is the
speed at which the body breaks them down to utilize as glucose.

Simple carbohydrates like table sugar and fruit are converted
more rapidly for a quick energy boost. They create a quick boost
of energy followed by a rapid decline, almost like a “crash”.

Complex carbohydrates take longer to break down and offer a more
sustained supply of energy for the body. So complex
carbohydrates should be your main choice for energy for that
precise reason.

Which foods should you consume for your complex carbs?

Well, if you want a quick way to drop fat weight, switch from
starchy carbohydrates like bread, pasta, and rice to more
fibrous, leafy ones like vegetables.

When I was getting ready for my bodybuilding show in which I
lost almost 40 pounds in 9 weeks, I replaced my starchy
carbohydrates with more vegetables and fibrous carbohydrates.

The reason being, starchy carbohydrates like bread and pasta are
more calorie dense than are vegetables like broccoli or green

Weight (fat) loss comes from getting rid of excess calories, to
create a deficit in calories so that your body must dip into
stored body fat for energy.

When you begin to continuously create a calorie deficit, your
body continuously will attack fat stores for needed energy and
this is how weight loss (fat loss) occurs.

So what we want to do is cut out calories anywhere we can to
increase the chances of creating a deficit of calories.

For effective fat loss, I feel it is important to choose those
foods that offer high volume but low calories. This way you do
not feel deprived, you’re still eating a lot of food, you’re
just not getting a lot of calories in return.

Vegetables offer this luxury.

You can eat a lot in volume, but do not get a lot of calories in
return, unless you deep fry them or drown them in butter, which
I do not recommend.

This high volume, low calorie luxury is not true with starchy
carbohydrates. A small serving of starchy carbs is still high in

For example, a 1/4-cup of rice has approximately 150 calories. A
1/2-cup of oatmeal has about the same amount of calories, 150.

However, you can eat an entire box package of broccoli and have
fewer calories than that. Or almost an entire bag of raw baby

Also, eating fibrous vegetables causes your body to work harder
at breaking down these foods and metabolizing them.

What that means is, you almost burn off more calories digesting
them than what you’re taking in by eating them!

Now, I know what you are thinking, I love my bread and I’m not
getting rid of it. I absolutely agree, do not get rid of your
breads, pasta, rice, and oatmeal.

But do moderate it, reduce the amount of each serving and
instead, replace the smaller serving with more vegetables. It
all points back to what causes weight gain. Excess calories.

Starchy carbohydrates will give you more calories than

So from a fat loss perspective, choose the carbohydrate that
offers the lower calorie amount and larger volume–veggies.

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