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Painless Tips for Reducing Cellulite

When you look into the mirror after a shower, do you find any
wrinkled or puckered skin? This is what many people call
cellulite, and it often tends to appear on the buttocks or
thighs, although it can show up almost anywhere. Cellulite is
basically evidence of extra fat stores under the skin’s surface.
Although it doesn’t differ markedly from other types of fat,
some people believe it is stubborn and harder to get rid of.

There is no magical formula to whittle away cellulite from your
body. Actually, you can make it disappear in the same way as you
get rid of other areas of fat, like on the upper arms or the
face. Although you can find special products sold on the
Internet or in health food stores that claim to target
cellulite, there is no solid evidence that they work. Nor can
you rub it away, as some brush or loofah-type products purport.
Instead, you will have to go about losing it the same way as you
would extra pounds on other parts of your body. Here are some
common and healthy ways to start reducing your cellulite.

1. Cut back on eating fatty foods. Tasty dishes like deep-fried
items, butter-rich desserts or side dishes, greasy red meat, and
other fat-laden entrees or snacks can rapidly pile on the pounds
and dimple your skin. Eat spare portions of these things. If
you’re not sure which foods have high fat content, check
packages or calorie counters to find out.

2. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Fresh veggies, especially,
are tasty and good for you. They are full of water, which helps
to flush out your system and get rid of fatty deposits that may
be bunching under your skin. Snack on a variety of colors in
your plant foods, from green celery to purple plums and orange
peaches. You’ll stock your system with healthy nutrients,
displacing the urge to snack on fatty food items.

3. Drink plenty of water. Most people should try to have eight
glasses (eight ounces each) daily, or even one or two glasses
more while exercising or in hot weather. This helps to keep your
body hydrated, flushes toxins, and may even make you feel fuller
so you’ll have fewer food cravings. Water is a natural cleanser
that can remove harmful substances and nourish each cell.

4. Exercise regularly. Check with your doctor about the plan
that is right for you, and then get started. Depending on your
health and overall condition, you can probably choose from
several types of exercise, including walking, hiking, swimming,
biking, tennis, or jogging. Aim for 30 minutes a day to start,
unless your doctor says otherwise. Gradually increase the
frequency and intensity of your workout, and you will see
quicker results.

Making a few basic lifestyle changes will help you get rid of
cellulite for good. Ask your doctor to approve changes like
these, and then watch that cellulite disappear!

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