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The #1 Factor In Your Fitness Success

Just the other day, someone asked me what I thought was the #1
“Most Important Factor” in determining how fit and muscular you

They wanted to know if it was Cardio, Weight Training, or Proper
Nutrition. I think my answer may have puzzled him a bit because
I said it was none of those.

After I thought about the question for a few minutes, I told him
that there was a more important factor that preceded any of
those he mentioned.

I told him it was your attitude that determined your fitness
levels and what type of condition you’ll achieve.

You see, proper nutrition, supplements, cardio exercise, and
weight training are all important factors, but it is your
attitude that determines how hard you focus on each of those

Generally speaking, your attitude is simply how you view things
in life, how you see something to be.

More specifically, you either have a positive view, or slant on
things, or a negative view. This attitude shines through in all
that you do, including working out and dieting.

If you generally have a good, positive attitude towards fitness,
then you are going to approach working out with more intensity
and more meaning.

You realize that in order to achieve and maintain a certain
level of conditioning, you have to “pay the price” and put in
some hard work.

But working out does not seem to be a “chore” with a positive

You look forward to it and feel positive knowing that the steps
you take in and out of the gym are going to bring you closer to
the body that you want.

On the other hand, if you approach working out and dieting with
more of a “negative attitude” you are either going to:

1. Do nothing at all as far as working out and eating healthy
because it all seems like so much hard work to get in great

Since working out seems like a chore, you find it much easier
just to sit back and complain about your current situation,
doing nothing to fix it.

With a negative view, you label “working out” as too much hard
work and do not take the necessary steps to get the body you
want. That’s why it’s important to view working out in a
positive light and not a negative one.

Focus more on what you want rather than what you don’t want. Or,
with a negative attitude:

2. You are going to do the bare minimum when it comes to working
out and watching what you eat.

With a negative mindset, you’re maybe going to go to the gym
once in a while, but once there, not give it your 100% all.

When it comes time to maintain a healthy eating regimen, you are
not going to be quite as strict as you should be and you are
going to give in to “instant pleasure” when the long term
rewards seem so distant and far away.

So be more aware of your mindset and attitude when it comes to
working out and getting fit.

Like Zig Ziglar says, “Do a check-up from the neck up.”

If you approach bodybuilding with a positive attitude, you ARE
going to take the necessary steps to get in shape, even when it
would be so much easier to stay in and watch TV.

You realize that persistence will pay off and that all of these
workouts and times skipping the pizza WILL get you where you
want to be.

Conversely, approach your workouts and nutrition with a negative
mindset and you are setting yourself up for failure.

If you view working out and healthy eating with a negative
viewpoint, you are not going to give your best when doing them.

As I am sure you’re aware, you only get in return what you give,
harvest what you plant.

Be more positive in all areas of your fitness approach and you
will get the body you want much, much faster.

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