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Lose 1.5 Pounds This Month With Zero Effort

Did you know that it’s possible to lose 1.5 pounds this month
and almost 20 pounds this year with absolutely zero effort? It’s
true! In this article we’re going to reveal a weight loss
‘trick’ that will help you lose fat and will make a nice
addition to your exercise program!

So exactly what is this fat loss trick? It’s really quite easy
to do, and the results are virtually guaranteed! The trick is to
switch from regular soda to diet soda.

Now, don’t get all excited about the thought of drinking diet
soda! It’s really not bad once you get used to it, and once you
realize how much fat that regular soda is putting on your body
you’ll be more likely to make the change from regular to diet.

Consider that a 32 oz. Classic Coke has 310 calories. That’s the
average McDonald’s serving size. (Source: mcdonalds.com)

The Super Big Gulp holds 44 oz. of soda, and how about the
7-Eleven X-treme Gulp? It has 52 oz. of calories! Talk about
sugar overload! (Source: 7-eleven.com)

Enjoying the occasional soda doesn’t make our waistlines expand.
Just like most other things in life, it’s the over-consumption
that makes regular soda a belt-buster!

Back in 1942 the average soda consumption in the United States
was sixty 12-ounce servings per year. By 1997, the average
annual soda consumption in the United States was a whopping 576
12-ounce servings! That works out to almost two 12-ounce cans
per day for every man, woman and child in the country. (Source:
Center for Science In The Public Interest – cspinet.org)

That same year (1997), diet sodas accounted for only 24% of soda
sales. While that was up from 8.6% in 1970, it’s still too low a

So just how much fat can you lose by switching from regular to
diet soda? Well, assuming you’re an average American, that means
you’re drinking about 6,912 ounces of regular soda each year
(576 12-ounce servings = 6,912 ounces). Each ounce of regular
soda (we used Coca-Cola in this example) has about 9.6875
calories. So, by switching from regular soda to diet soda you
can eliminate 66,960 calories per year.

Do you want to get really excited? Let’s translate that calorie
loss into fat loss: It’s a fact that there are 3,500 calories in
a pound of fat. If you eliminate 66,960 calories per year in
regular soda then you will probably avoid putting on an extra
19.13 pounds of FAT (66,960 / 3,500 = 19.13). That’s more than
1.5 pounds per month!

Of course, there are certainly some factors that come into play
here other than simple soda consumption. But isn’t that a great
start? Just by switching from regular to diet soda you can
literally eliminate almost 20 pounds per year!

Still don’t want to give up your regular soda? Then how about
switching to a smaller size? Did you know that in the 1950′s the
average soda serving was the 6.5 oz. bottle made popular by
Coke? Compare that with the super-duper big mugs of today, and
it’s easy to see where some of the problem comes from! Opt for a
smaller size soda, and you’ll still reap some of the fat loss

Of course, the best solution is to dump the soda altogether and
drink water instead…..but that’s a topic for another

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