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Weight Watchers And Soda

How many weight-watchers use 20+ TABLESPOONS of sugar in their coffee or tea? I guess the answer to that is zero. Why? Because all weight-watchers know that sugar has a high calorific value and is therefore detrimental to weight loss. Also using that amount of sugar will create liver problems eventually. So my question is: ‘If high levels of sugar are bad for us, and we all seem to know that is true, why do we drink soda that contains 20+ TABLESPOONS of sugar in each can?’

It is hard to assess how many people ruin their weight control program by drinking soda (carbonated water, fizzy drinks or soft drinks, depending upon which country you live in, are all forms of what I refer to as soda), judging by the sales of these drinks I guess the answer is most weight-watchers fall into this trap.

A young man that I know was heading down the road to obesity in his early twenties and being an accountant he was aware that his job didnÂ’t include physical exercise that help burn off calories. Like most twenty something people he didnÂ’t like the idea of going on a diet so he decided to cut soda and fast foods from his diet. Result, in less than six-months he was 26 pounds lighter, feeling healthier and looking trim. That was eleven years ago and he still remains trim today, he eats well but adamantly refuses to go back to fast foods or soda.

It doesn’t matter what brand of soda you drink, or whether it is labeled ”light” or ”diet” they all contain massive amounts of sugar and are unhealthy.

Finally we should not leave this article without taking a look at hyper-activity in children. There is little doubt that high sugar dosage is often the cause of children becoming hyperactive, it also leads the behavioral problems. Consequently it is advisable to take a long, hard, look at what your childÂ’s sugar intake is particularly including soda.

The healthiest drink is water; it will also quench your thirst better and for longer than soda, and it is also rated at zero calories, which should make it the weight-watchers drink of choice. For your children you may find it beneficial to make them smoothies using fresh fruit as an alternative to soda.

This article is copyright © David McCarthy 2006. It may be reproduced in its entirety with no additions providing it contains a link back to www.recipesmania.com

Article Source: http://www.articledashboard.com

David McCarthy is a prolific article writer on the subject of food and health and is webmaster of www.recipesmania.com a site dedicated to freely sharing knowledge about all things food from recipes to health to weight loss program.

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