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A Guide to Childhood Obesity Program

Childhood obesity programs emphasize on the health-related approach focusing on approach where child is developed mentally, physically and socially. There is emphasis on eating in healthy and normal ways, and living actively. It has been observed that eating disorders, obesity, nutrient deficiencies, hazardous weight loss, body hatred and size discrimination are interrelated, and these issues need to be addressed comprehensively so that they don’t cause any harm.

Childhood Obesity Program Guidelines

The decision making groups comprise of eating disorder specialists, health professionals, teachers and general public, and they address the overweight and obesity prevention. The individuals involved in the childhood obesity program have total commitment, enabling the sustainable programming.

The childhood obesity program consists of a comprehensive plan focusing on promoting and supporting healthy lifestyle. It is done for the children in schools, homes and entire community. The focus is also on developing and implementing activities that provide information regarding healthful eating, creating a nurturing environment and supporting and promoting the opportunities for healthy physical activities.

Childhood obesity program also involves setting appropriate goals. It is unrealistic to expect all the children to be in the ideal range of weight, but it is more realistic to expect that they maintain a healthy weight. Healthy weight for a child can be defined as the natural weight adopted by the body when given a healthy diet and moderate level of physical activity.

The childhood obesity program involves creating a nurturing environment so that all the aspects of development and growth of children are addressed. This helps foster body satisfaction, self-esteem, positive image and qualities facilitating health-promoting behaviors.

Under childhood obesity program, the attention is paid to what and how kids eat. The focus is on following the dietary guidelines, regularly eating the servings from all major five groups from food pyramid and understanding energy density and portion size. Healthy eating also means enjoying the food, taking time to relax and feel the satiety.

Setting goals for physical activity is another aspect of childhood obesity program, and the aim to keep each child active for minimum one hour each day, and reduce the sedentary activities such as watching television, surfing net or playing video games. The focus is to increase strength, fitness and endurance, and learn the skills for activities and sports that can be enjoyed throughout the life. Ample opportunity is provided to the children for active free play and movement.

Childhood obesity program also involves setting school policies that encourage positive eating environment, promote the size and weight acceptance and provide physical activity opportunities to all the children.

With growing numbers in obesity epidemic, many people are looking for obesity help. Changing your outlook can be very helpful when fighting obesity. You need to regulate the eating patterns and get moderate level of physical activity each day. If possible, join a support group where you can share your story, and also listen to the success stories of others to motivate you.

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