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A Guide to Childhood Obesity Epidemic

Obesity has become one of the most prevalent problems in our society today, but, when we think of obesity, we focus only on the obese adults. However, the truth is that the number of children suffering from obesity has doubled in past twenty years. Obesity is not a stand-alone problem, and it makes children prone to various health issues. Some of the most common health problems caused by obesity are asthma, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, low self-esteem, irregular menstruation, sleeping problems, and knee and hip problems.

Childhood Obesity Epidemic Facts

There are certain childhood obesity epidemic facts that are scary and very disturbing. The problem of obesity is more acute in developed countries, and the number of obese kids is increasing at the alarming rate. Obesity in children is caused when meals of the children mainly consist of food from fast food joints, and they eat while sitting in front of television. Kids are now spending more and more of their time watching tv, playing video games, talking over phones or surfing the net instead of spending their time in physically intensive games like football etc.

One of the biggest childhood obesity epidemic facts is that mothers ignore the signs of satiety in their infants. Researchers agree that over-eating is the main cause leading to childhood obesity. Focusing on the long-term consequences, more than 70% of the overweight adolescents become overweight or obese adults. Obesity in the adulthood increases the chances of high cholesterol, high blood pressure, arthritis, asthma and general poor health status.

Understanding the causes and effects of childhood obesity epidemic can help focus the interventions, research and resources in the direction most beneficial to address this serious issue. The causes of childhood obesity epidemic are multi-factorial, and the main causes are unhealthy eating patterns, lack of physical activity or the combination of both. Social factors such as race, ethnicity, socio-economic status and physical environment, and genetics also affect the energy consumed and expended.

To deal with childhood obesity epidemic, it is essential to incorporate some changes in the eating patterns, and daily activity level. Children must be given the healthy and nutritious food at home, and fruits and milk must replace snacks and sugar-sweetened drinks. Avoid easily accessible, ready-to-eat, low cost quick service restaurants, and try to prepare meals at home.

Schools also play an important role in dealing with childhood obesity epidemic, and the some amount of free play or physical activity each day must be made mandatory. Students must be encouraged to enroll in the daily physical education in order to get involved in the organized physical activity.

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