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Obesity in Teens is Alarmingly on the Rise

The alarming fact today is that obesity in teens is growing at a rapid pace and according to the latest studies conducted on this very topic, it seems that the rate of obesity in teens is the highest as compared to earlier generations and so it is bound to gives rise to the need to treat this problem with grave seriousness since obesity in teens can lead to a number of serious diseases at an early age which is not at all desirable.

Time To Take Remedial Action

With such facts staring one in the face, it is imperative that remedial action be taken and in order to take a timely first step in overcoming obesity in teens, teens must per force need to look at why the rate of obesity in teens is rising so alarmingly. It won’t take much thinking to determine that the easy availability of fast foods is the primary cause why people become obese because it is hard to fight off the temptation to treat one to a pizza or other high fat food that is also cooked in oils that are rich is cholesterol.

Other contributory factors to the rising incidence of obesity in teens is use of preservatives in the foods that they consume which is apparently as dangerous as smoking, and along with laziness is one of the major reasons why so many teens are becoming so obese. The days when it was normal to see teenagers jogging in the parks have long since vanished and today, it is much more normal to associate them with computer games, video parlors as well as other sedentary lifestyles. And, with the ubiquitous mobile phone on hand, teenagers today are fed on a totally new diet to what their earlier counterparts were raised on during their heydays.

However, it is never too late for teenagers to mend their ways and to live a healthier life provided they make a conscious effort to become more active at the local gym, or find other outdoor activities that will promote burning away of excess fats and calories inside their bodies and even partaking in group sports of which basketball, volleyball and football are good examples will help them get rid of excess fat and thus not fall into the rut of becoming obese at an early age.

In addition, by watching what they eat, teenagers can get back on the road to healthy living and in this regard eating healthy snacks will do them no end of good.

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