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Diabetes Obesity Research: the American Diabetes Epidemic and Its Link to Obesity

The twin epidemics of diabetes and obesity are threatening our nation. Diabetes obesity research shows that there has been a 40% increase in diabetes in the past 10 years. Most of these new cases of diabetes are type II diabetes, or adult-onset diabetes. Diabetes is not only a nuisance; it can be dangerous. It is the leading cause of kidney failure, blindness and amputation in adults. Obesity is a major risk factor for diabetes and for the first time in history, obesity and diabetes organizations around the world are coming together to find a common solution to these common problems.

What Diabetes Obesity Research Says

In order to prevent diabetes and obesity, the steps that need to be taken are essentially the same. At least half of all diabetes cases could be eliminated if obesity was treated first and foremost. The health care costs of these two diseases are skyrocketing and worrying governments in developed countries around the world and now even in low to moderate-income countries like South Africa, Mexico, and Egypt.

The Steps to Obesity and Diabetes Prevention

Prevention strategies in diabetes obesity research focus on increasing physical activity and improving diet. Simply encouraging more physical activity and healthy diet is not enough however and in many cases governments must introduce legislation so that children can play outside or walk/bike to school safely. Children must also be protected from advertising campaigns in the mainstream media that promote junk food high in calories and sugar.

In order to prevent obesity and diabetes, experts in diabetes obesity research suggest at least 30 minutes per day of moderate physical activity for most days of the week. The CDC and city governments in the U.S. have teamed together in order to create more public recreational areas where people can walk, jog, and bike.

Diabetes obesity research shows that even by losing a small amount of weight you can prevent the onset of type II diabetes. Fortunately by making lifestyle changes you can easily lose the necessary weight. Even those showing pre-diabetes can prevent its onset by taking action. A diet that will help prevent diabetes includes lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats. Consuming too many calories and too much fat should be avoided.

So there you have it. While diabetes obesity research tells us that obesity and diabetes go hand in hand, by making a few simple lifestyle changes you can prevent diabetes as well as lose weight. Educate your loved ones about diabetes and how it can be prevented through physical activity and a healthy diet so you don’t become another statistic.

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