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Current Childhood Obesity Rate Shows That Obesity Has Become an Epidemic Throughout the World

Childhood obesity rates today are growing at an alarming rate; not only in the United States but in all parts of the globe and the situation has in fact, reached epidemic proportions. The last decade and a half have seen an alarming rise in childhood obesity rates in the US and at present, it is believed by experts that almost twenty percent of all American children are having to cope with childhood obesity.

Supersizing Of Meals

Supersizing of meals is a major reason why childhood obesity rates in America are growing so rapidly - even though many fast foods being sold in the US contain less fat than before. The reason is that these measures are not stopping children from eating more of the lower-fat fast foods; but, are making children eat more fast foods, and so the childhood obesity rate continues to spiral upwards at an alarming rate.

Lack of physical exercise is another reason why childhood obesity rates continue to soar. However, another reason why so many more children are becoming obese is because obesity is programmed into their genes and therefore, despite their best efforts, they still end up becoming obese children. In addition, many social and cultural as well environmental issues are also working (nay, conspiring) to make the childhood obesity rate shoot higher and higher.

Even simple things such as food containers are playing a part in making people eat more and so, are more at risk of adding to the childhood obesity rate. Besides being told to eat healthier foods, children must also be impressed with the fact that the more physically active they remain the fewer chances there will be of their becoming obese.

One hour of exercise is the very least that they should do; though ninety minutes of good workouts is really more optimal. It is not required that they do physically demanding exercises – all it requires is doing simple things such as walking, playing dancing and cleaning.

Another important tip is for them to understand that prevention begins in their homes. Parents and family members must ensure that they advise and instruct their children to behave in healthy manner and not indulge in unhealthy practices such as becoming couch potatoes that do nothing but watch TV, play computer games and eat fast foods.

A child whose body mass index or BMI is over forty is an ideal candidate for seeking childhood morbidity obesity help. The bottom line is that in order to bring down childhood obesity rates we will need to do more than find medical quick fixes; it requires a change in the way society acts and feels and these changes will not happen overnight; being patient and acting wisely are keys to improving childhood obesity rates.

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