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The Top 3 Things You Can Do, Starting Right Now, To Lose Weight And Win The Battle Against Obesity

Obesity is defined “clinically” as being 30 pounds or more over your ideal weight and is recognized, in North America – especially the U.S., to be a major killer taking 300,000 lives each year from heart attack, stroke, cancer and diabetes which have ALL been strongly linked to obesity. 300,000 people die each year because they are fat.

Think about that a minute and put that in proper perspective.

52,000+ American soldiers died in Viet Nam during that 10 year war…
35,000+ Americans die each year from car collisions
100,000+ Americans die each year from prescription drugs

300,000+ Americans die each year from obesity-linked diseases. And that isn’t my uneducated guess, that’s the number given in the 2001 Surgeon General’s Report. The report also said that 31% of Americans are obese. With a population of around 300 million people that means 93 million Americans are walking time bombs. People who may die prematurely from a disease directly linked to being obese. And unfortunately the problem has continued to become worse, not better, with obesity now taking a foothold in children. An estimated 14% of children under 18 are obese.

Instead of eating to live people, more than ever, are living to eat and that fact, along with poor nutrition, is causing a major problem.

What can you do right now, today, to wage war on obesity and lose weight?
Here are 3 strategies that you probably won’t take seriously until you are told you have an obesity-linked disease and even then, you may not do anything to help yourself. But, if you are ready to take control of your life and health these 3 things could save your life.

1)Change your eating habits. Eat to live instead of living to eat. Which means:
a)Eating smaller meals 3 - 5 times daily
b)Exercising portion control
c)Cutting useless, empty calorie foods from your menu
d)Consuming less calories than you burn daily

2)Get Moving!
a)Walk at least 30 minutes per day to burn calories
b)Take the stairs not the elevator
c)Participate in a physical sport at least 3 times per week

3)Use safe diet products to help you:
a)Burn fat
b)Suppress appetite and curb cravings
c)Block excess carbs and fat and
d)Cut calorie consumption...

Doing the things mentioned above will almost guarantee you reach your weight loss goals...Even if it takes you a little longer than you first forecasted. And, by continuing to adhere to this new, healthy lifestyle which is:

>>>Eating to live instead of living to eat<<<
You'll keep your lost weight off and continue to enjoy a healthier more productive life.

Paul Miller is a marketing professional specializing in weight loss. To find out how you can lose weight and make money visit: http://thermoliftdietcenter.com/LoseWeight_LCP.html

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