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How Are Obesity And Diabetis Related In Adults

It is no secret that battling weight is an epidemic, but the medical problems that arise, such as diabetes, is the best reason ever to shed the extra pounds. Once you understand how are obesity and diabetis related and controlled, you can then begin to rid yourself of this serious condition.

Being overweight carries its own set of medical issues; heart conditions, arthritis and bone problems due to inactivity, plus a host of other potential medical problems. When coupled with diabetes, this can be a deadly combination. Diabetes is a condition which affects the glucose your body. The cells do not properly absorb the glucose which causes the glucose cells to eat up the body's protein.

What is Glucose Intolerance?

Individuals with increased abdominal fat can develop glucose intolerance, which prevents the body from using the body producing insulin. This is because overweight individuals often have diets high in fat, starches, and sugar and low in protein. Deceasing abdominal fat losing weight loss can also help promote glucose tolerance.

Diabetes and Weight Loss

Dropping the pounds is not easy, but it will improve your health, appearance, and the way you feel about yourself inside and out. More importantly, if you have been diagnosed with diabetes, dropping a few pounds may actually reverse the diagnosis completely. There a many different components that make up a successful goal to shed unwanted pounds.

Decrease Caloric Intake: A change in diet is the first step to a healthier lifestyle. By decreasing just 500 to 600 calories a day will result in some weight loss. Remember, you must burn more calories than you consume in order to lose weight so changing your diet to more healthier meals will make a dramatic difference.

Exercise: All of the fitness gurus and diet experts say a diet and exercise regimen will help you shed pounds more quickly and this is true. The problem is inactive individuals have a difficult time getting started. Some are embarrassed, while others just do not have the willpower. Start out slow with maybe a 30 minute walk in the park or even around the mall. Exercising 4 to 5 times a week plus decreasing your calories will produce positive results.

Making the Commitment: Once you decide to stick to a plan, you will find sticking to it is not that difficult. Losing weight is a change of lifestyle and even if no one else has confidence in you, the confidence in yourself will go a long way.

Weight Loss Diet Pills: FDA approved diet pills are not without controversy. Some have side effects that result in medical problems, while others are perfectly safe if used correctly. If you plan on taking a diet supplement, speak with your physician first. Make them aware of any medications you are currently taking to make sure there are no unwanted interactions.

Surgery: Some think surgery for weight loss is the answer, but it is not that simple. You do not go to sleep and wake up thin. You must change your eating habits, attend classes, and change your lifestyle completely. If you do not, you may develop serious complications.

As harsh as it sounds, being overweight is a choice. Packing on the pounds occurs overtime and you make the choice to continue the eating patterns which lead to excess weight. Just like obesity, diabetes is preventable. Weight loss, even a little bit of weight can decrease the chances of developing diabetes by 5 to 10 percent. Drastic weight loss can remove the diagnosis from your life completely.
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